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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Yes, why not do a step by step, These things are always of use to people who are doing up there bikes on a tight budget.
  2. 2 Wheels

    TRX 850

    Here is a good example of a TRX 850 Ok so if the rev counter goes to 3k then back down and it says in the manual that this indicates a fault "I think" he is gona have to have a go at starting it cause otherwise hell never find out what the fault is. If everything on the bike looks good and in its propper place then tell him to give it a twirl and see if it fires up. Fresh fuel, clean plugs, clean pipes---ie no lil mouse living in them, good flow of fuel to the carbs,all battery conections clean and tight--- including the earths to the frame and give her a go. If she fires up and starts leave it running for 1min while watching the rev counter to see what happens and listening to the engine for unusual noises.After the 1min turn her off, disconect the battery then reconect it and see if the rev counter still goes to 3k then down again. If it does i still wouldnt worry to much about it as it could only be a warning thingy to tell you like the bike needs a service or something. Stars it again and leave it running this time till it reaches normal operating temp, while constantly looking/listening for faults. I wouldnt bother with the redex just yet, try with just fuel as if it doesnt fire up or even make an attempt to I think he will have to take the carbs off for a propper clean. Remember it hasnt been started in 10 years so she wont be all that willing to go!!! Dont know about ringing me, I live in Ireland and it wont be cheep but ill leave my number in your mail box anyway. EDIT: Ive just noticed that there are one or two other members on here that have a TRX and a TDM so maby they will be able to give some good input also !
  3. 2 Wheels

    TRX 850

    I dont want to step on your Dad's toes or anything and if he is good with bikes he will probably figure it out for himself !! So i take it he has got the bike to start ? First thing is the bike has been sitting in a shed for 10 years, thats a long time without any use so almost everything is going to need some sort of attention. The rev counter jumping to 3k is a bit confusing, maybe its rusted wires on the clock or the cable to the clock is sticking, either way i wouldnt worry 2 much about it just yet unless the bike is stuck ideling at 3k. The carbs are going to have to be spotless for good running. Anything to do with throttle response after the idel stage is usualy to do with the needles not operating propperly. First thing to do is really clean the carb and get it set up propperly. What year is the bike? Is it in good looking sape? If you (or your Dad) could give good clear explainations on what stage the bike is at and on what the problems are it will be easier for us to help as the more we know the better. ps. tell your Dad pacience is a vertue when fixing bikes as im sure he knows !!! Yes please show off the Norton !!! No, you dont have to join, look in the Fourms under the heading FAQ's then go down to posting pictures... it tells you what to do there.
  4. 2 Wheels

    TRX 850

    Oh great, i await your pic with much excitment. Bike in the front bedroom----- best place to get work done, warm, dry, close at hand and comfy for the long hours needed. Now, what were the few probs with your Dad's trx850, if i can be of any help i will most certainly try. Its a big twin cylinder isnt it.
  5. 2 Wheels

    TRX 850

    Could I Please have a picture of your Norton 650 if its not to much trouble
  6. 11 hours on the M6---- it couldnt be that long a drive I might go to that if your goin pm me neerer the time
  7. You certanily do need a carb tune. sluggish---- maybe dirt in the carb reving to high----idel screw turned up to much running to rich or lean or both----can only be one or the other, eitherway pilot screw out or in to much 2500k at idel then 3k after spin----both idel and pilot screws are not in harmony with eachother rear wheel spins on stand---- because it is overreving and wants to move off You need to tell the garage-man of any mods done to the exhaust or the air box as this will be needed to reset the carb, also ask him to look out for any wear in the needle's or there seat's, and tell him that you think the powervalve is sticking. Hope this helps
  8. Yes they will or should understand these settings. Not all carbs will perform to there best going compleatly on the factory settings, it is a "nack" to get them tuned up propperly. (Good garage required, if not doing yourself). Not fermilliar with Aerox100 so sorry dont know where the powervalve should be as a factory setting. Me i would have it wide open. Does the powervalve work with the rpm's of the bike or is it just stuck in one place all the time ? What is wrong with the bike as it is now ?
  9. They are the different sizes of the jets the notch the needle is at and the no. of the needle and the turns out of the piolet screw from lightly seated all the way in They are all inside your carb apart from the piolet screw.
  10. engine/gearbox oil---- not really but is should have enough in it so that it is not about to seize up 2 stroke oil---- definatly, your engine will be running hot and have no power and on its way to seizing up forever.
  11. Well for a bit the bike doesnt know the scielincer/muffler is off and so it will work fine for a while, but then after a bit (as if the bike has a brain) it realises that exhaust gasses are taken away faster than normal then this disturbes the usual mixing of the fuel (by having no back pressure) so the carb is now not set up right to be running without an exhaust. Thats my thaughts anyway but maby im wrong. Have you been messing with any other settings on the bike ?
  12. You need the exhaust on inorder for the bike to work propperly. With it off there is an upset in the fuel/miking.
  13. My guess, you have no idea what that other engine is/was like so i would replace the lower case !!!
  14. Failte; Weeble to the YOC To get parts for your bike----- find an oldfashion bikershop, make friends with them, they know people who know people and after a while youll get the parts you are after.
  15. Keep zooming in on it, then hit the directions arrow, the map goes to full screen, then instead of an ordinary map he has all the places and nicknames of places instead of the names off roads and the-like
  16. Cool, must of taken bloody ages
  17. No it can be done with the tyre on the bike. It workes realy well with tubeless tyres. It can also be used with tubed tyres althouh it is a bit more awkward. If you fill up your tyre with that foam stuff then your tyre is nolonger any good and you will need a new one after you get home. If he no gets the puncture sorted before the weekend then it will Tuesday before anyone will come out to him
  18. http://www.highergear.ie/Catalog/10167/AirPro-Premium-Tyre-Puncture-Repair-Kit You could try getting one of these in a local bike shop, they are the business and then at least you could get your bike home. There a tad dear but then at least you will always have it for the next misfortune. Hope it helps
  19. Go for the Yam. My friend had a Kawa years ago and they dont have a patch on the DT. DT is by far a hardier bike and can take so much more abuse in the off-road stuff without faling apart, tis also a very good on road bike, it has a bit of weight over the KMX but this helps it on the road. I am a Yamaha fan and have been for years but to be honest between these two trial bikes me personaly i would take the DT. Honda too are a good bike but you want a trial bike so you'll have to make up your own mind. Take both of them for a spin and deceide but dont rush it. Good luck with your purchase. ps. do your wheelies on your 50 so as not to wreck your new bike. Any bike can wheelie its all about the technique.
  20. Ok this is my thaughts ! So its comming out of the end of the nipple so no need to change the tank. Haveing drained the fuel outa the tank and then it being left for a few days vapours are allowed to build up inside the tank, specialy if its a double-skined tank. Then earlier you said you refiled it right up to the neck with fuel, fuel could have gone into the overflow because of this and now it is mixing with the vapours and ending up comming out of the breather nipple. What i would do first is get a piece of pipe onto the nipple long enough so that it hangs down below the engine safely. I wouldnt block off the end of it either (just yet). This makes your bike safe to ride, now i would fill the tank to about 3/4 full and get using the bike for a few days. What i am thinking is with the bike being used then this will speed-up the draining of the breather pipe. What i think has happened is the vapours and overfull fuel tank have mixed togeather and are going to take a while to dribble out through your breather pipe. Fuel tanks are better off to be almost full all of the time especially if the bike is not being used, it gives less amount of room for vapours to build up. Try this for a while and see if it all drys up, if it wasnt leaking before this and no other damage has been caused or changed then i think it might gust be as simple a fix as this, and cheep to. Hope it gets you sorted.
  21. Hi Merlydog, I might have a wee go at answering this on Bark's behalf---- if he doesnt mind. 1st. It is not all that hard to take off the tank and replace it with another one, You should be able to do it. 2nd. To find a second-hand tank might be hard and to buy a new one would be expencive. ( second-hand wont be cheep either) 3rd. Now put some fuel in the tank and take a good look at where it is leaking from. Is it coming out of the end of the nipple or is it coming out from arround the base of the nipple? If its comming out of the end of the nipple then there isnt much point in getting a different tank--- i dont think. It might be ok to just put a piece of pipe on the nipple and then blook off the other end------- but im not 100% sure if it is ok to do this. Is this the only prob with the bike or have you any other fuel related probs that might be causing this leaking problem ? Bark might have more info on this than me as im not to familiar with your bike !
  22. Yep, I second what Bark just said. Looks like someone has been trying to braze that nipple on so maby it has got a bang before-hand. Needs proper fixing or trouble is coming your way.
  23. Two bean tins with aerial's on them sorry Theflagg, i just couldnt stop myself typing. me no have any of these systems so im no help at all
  24. You did tell the plod where you saw it didnt you! and told them to get down there as quick as !!!
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