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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. 2 Wheels

    New Born

    Failte: to the YOC Liam Its good to be back into bikes ISNT it !!!
  2. Have ya fuel getting to the plug. If ya have a GOOD spark, try this Take out the plug,,,put the piston to the top of its stroke,,,pour in a bit of petrol,,,put plug back in,,,choke on,,, no throttle,,, now try to start either by pushing or just normal. If she fires up for just a second then ya arent gettin any fuel to the plug from the tank or carb. If she doesnt even try or attempt to start then next step is a compression test. Like the one in Oldgit photo.
  3. Failte: Andy to this crazy world called YOC Nice bike ya got there.
  4. 2 Wheels

    Bike Names

    Aye, it workes when i whistle too. Ye-ha
  5. I to was wondering that Drewps. Was thinkin we might have to Check-in to his parking lot.
  6. 2 Wheels

    Bike Names

    When I call mine,,,,,,,,she starts up,,,,,,,,pulls up beside me,,,,,,,and away we go
  7. Failte: to the YOC cardboard Them there bikes arent bad, bit of a funny colour Hope ya dont have your arms locked straight like that when your out riding.
  8. I would go with no.3 Drewps. I wouldnt really want to remove the phosphor coating. Spray etching primer, then filler, then prime for paint, then paint. My reason: = If your tank ever gets a knock the filler usually cracks and falls off. With the etching primer under the filler your tank will still be protected and the phosphor will stay intacted, (till ya get it sorted). The filler (if knocked) usually only cracks away from the last surface it was in contact with. Try and make sure the etching primer wont react with the phosphor coating. Thats me thaughts But i am no expert. HTH
  9. Welcome to the YOC Are you realy only 6 years old ? Anyway, The most important part is the engine so make sure (as much as you can) that it is in good shape. Everything else can be sorted out after. Ask the seller loads of questions. What milage is on the bike? Can you get a test ride on a known GOOD TZR50 before you go and view the one your looking at, this way it will give you a good idea of what the bike should be like. If you can hear any strange noises comming from the engine then dont buy unless your getting it Cheep. Bring someone else with you to look the bike over aswell-------someone older that has experience of bikes (if you can) Good luck.
  10. Summer i wear, Bash-hat Scarf Y-fronts Fluffy socks Winter i wear, Bash-hat 2 Scarf's Long-john's (with willy warmer underneeth) 2 Fluffy socks He he, na----- I have 2 sets of gear 1 is textile jacket + trousers + boots other is full leather jacket + trousers + boots very rarely go on bike without my gear on------dont want any birds flying away with bits of my skin that they picked up off the road. if ya've been in a crash ya will allways suit up
  11. No i dont think so. Start at the fuel tank and work all the way to the plug through the fuel system. Alos check for any air leaks and things like that.
  12. Aye, same here, dont know what it is ! Its been there since yesterday when the site went off air. I just skipped to the fourms.
  13. Here's a pic of Squires i pulled off the net
  14. Well according to Google spec's it has a seat height of 26.6 inch's Is that info any good for ya
  15. Failte; Clinton to the forummmmmsssssss
  16. Well Gas-up, It seems we like the same sort of roads, (and bikes for that matter) I think the frame of mind im in determins the roads i chose and my destination (if i have one). I am most of the time a lone rider, ridding lonley roads with very little traffic (im not a loner lol), these are the types of roads i like, twisty, up and down mountains, sweeping through a valley with hills either side searching for nice seenery and somewhere i havent been before. This to me is true bikeing at its best----and i love it ! With age, i think the type of bike we have or want changes. The bike you had when ya were a young fella would more than likely not be the bike you would want today. Take me for example: my CBR600 has served me well over the years, clocking up just under 80000 i think, however now i feel i have out grown this bike and need a dual-sports touring bike (i'll leave that story for a different post).The CBR is now not the bike i need for the roads i like and the places i want to go. In traffic and ordinary roads i am very much at home aswell, just not as relaxed. I really demand my side of the road and use it all, eg. left bend--i'ill be in the offside position, right bend--i'll be in the nearside position, as well as giving good vision arround the bend this also makes car drivers behind weery of what your at so they tend to keep there distance.Im not really a fan of motorways or heavy trafic so i tend to avoid them when i can. When the wife is on the back i am a different rider, much more causious. Your Question : So is a good road down to frame of mind? Type of bike? Traffic? Weather? My opinion is yes to all of these. ps. A road is what you make of it----never let the road control you. Happy Travels everyone:)
  17. Bring on the BIG Yamaha Owners meet. I got them New wings that when ya hit 55mph out they come and up up and away
  18. No Dribbleing for me,,,,,like the flow of a fire-engine,,,,,,and the smell thats gets stronger is because i drink Guinness. :lol:
  19. 2 Wheels

    Yamaha Dragstar

    Would we be in agreament that if he is stood at the right hand-side of the bike and he puts the socket on the bolt,,,, that it opens by turning it to the left (ie. backwards to the rear wheel) A good,,,,,glad thats all sorted out then.
  20. Webi,,,,, Before ya go at the crank seals. Try and make your carb a bit more lean, then go for a good hard run on the bike for half hour, see will the smoke clear. Check the plug then and see if its still oily.
  21. Failte: CT to the YOC Once the bikes are in the blood, its there to stay,,, just be carefull for a while,,,,,you do want to see your young-ones again
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