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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Just bought new boots today. Gore-tex, tcx, £100, shop wanted £115 but i wouldnt give it to him, haha,,,,he finally backed down after a bit of haggeling ! Got them for the winter----there supposed to be water-proof,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,time will tell. Have to brake the dam things in now !!!
  2. Aye, but that's just not fair the poor we girl Mamon, later comes in to beat Papa over the head with frying pan.
  3. Cheers John, me has piece of mind now
  4. 2 Wheels

    jock joke

    This was released ages ago ! Bark w j had to sell his YEARS ago------cause in real life the coppers were hunting him down They never caught him nice bit of dodgein Jammer
  5. Aye mabey your right-----sounds right anyway. ill check it out soon Thanks m8
  6. Take starter ta your local sparkie, he will suss out whats wrong with it, if its only brushes he can throw some in for ya,,,,he can prob recondition the hole starter for ya too if ya want !!!
  7. Aye, thats all Paul, just the last we bit. Thank you for clearing that up. Another question for ya, How many tanks of fuel are you burning for a full tank of 2stroke in your DTR ? if ya have ever worked it out ! Im not sure myself but i Think i get 2 full tanks of fuel to one litre bottle of 2stroke, Any idea on what you get ?
  8. Just wondering what ye all think about mixing 2stroke oils with eachother ? You know,,,,when ya get to a garage and they dont have the same make (ie Silkolean) as ya were using. Is it good practice to mix different brands with eachother ? Sometimes we have no choice but to mix them. I havent mixed any brands yet cause i usualy have a stock of Silkolean at home. What ye think ??
  9. Yep, done it with a friend Handle of a sweeping brush made into a slight V Put into the fork, and tap it in till its tight,,hold and loosen allen bolt. The brush handle keeps comming loose so keep resharpining the V bit. It works good enough to get the job done--------we had a very short brush handle when we finished.
  10. And,,,,,Gas Up,,,,,, will ya venture down to squires ?
  11. Oh No,,,, Vez,,,,,,dont be saying things like that,,,,,,,just say to yourself thats its going to fit !!! Is it that it is not long enough to reach the silencer or is it not lining up with the silencer ? Higensight,,,,i suppose ya should of tested it for fit before ya painted. Welding can also make steel bend and swist slightly, for instance if ya had a straight bit of steel, then welded down the right-hand side of it the steel would bend in that direction,,,,and vice versa, both sides need to be welded bit by bit in orded for the steel to stay straight. If your front pipe is only off in the lining up of things then ya can fix it,,,,,,,bad news is,,,,,,its gona crack your nice paint job. Hope it fits m8 !!!
  12. Failte: to the YOC Mark. Have ya and good Stories for us ??? ??? Ya can start off like,,,,,,,,,,,,Once when speeding down the road, a nacked young woman ran accross the road in front of you. Just before she trotted off into the bushes she stopped and gave ya a sneeky smile ! In your shock and excitment you just had to pull in up-ahead. Sitting there for a min or so ya decided to investagate, so ya park up the bike behind a tree and cover it with branches. Trying to act matcho, ya open up your jacket and tare your t-shirt down the front (cool). Then you go a hunting the young one that gave ya such a rush,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so tell us what happened that day in the bushes with the beautyfull young woman !!! !!! :lol:
  13. Faitlte: Karlos to the YOC. Im with Vez on this one. Life sucks,,,,,so enjoy it all
  14. Nope, van is becoming a tent for the day anyway i might need it to pick up my DT which might be a rooling ball of steem, flames and smoke by the time im near Newthorpe Scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  15. 2 Wheels

    tester vid

    Aye no probs,,,,me only messin with ya
  16. ill be shopping and painting again some weekend, and no more cans of cats piss thats for sure !!
  17. I didnt use the Plastkote barbaque stuff,,,,sooo wish i had,,,,,couldnt find any at the time b4 the weekend i did it. The stuff i used,,,,,,, now looks like a cat pissed all over it my pipe
  18. 2 Wheels

    tester vid

    Chant Chant::::: Longer footage,,,,,,,i say Longer footage
  19. What ya use OG ? I painted mine few weeks back,,,with 600deg high temp paint i think it was,,,,was good for a few weeks but now its flaking just where it comes outa the block,,,god dam bitch of a thing. Did ya use that Plastkote barbaque paint by any chance ?
  20. :lol: Aye Bark, after all the beer i had in Bonny Scotland,,,,,,, i looked in the mirror when i got home to see that i had aged even more sence ya seen me !!!
  21. Aye lads, Great ta meet up with you, Barkwindjammer + Blackhat + Si Thaught i was gonna miss ye caus my weekend wasnt going to plan, then when ye were still arround i tore down the road from Aberdeen. We had a good old chat and a bit of craic ! Roll on squires meet, and pray for nice weather.
  22. Guys, i dont think it will be that hard to find, you can look it up on Google Earth and it will show ya the roads ya need to take-right to Squires, simples Up-yours.....a DT125r will prob do a steady 60mph or 55mph without killing the bike. Anyway c ya's there.
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