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2 Wheels

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  1. 2 Wheels

    Silly idea

    :lol: Its just passed the trees on the edge of the coast near the Congo ! :lol:
  2. Dtr should have tubes, if ya have spoked wheels then ya need tubes.Dont forget the rim tape or the spokes will puncture the tube. 18psi front tyre and 22psi rear tyre for solo riding. Ya might have to go up a bit more pressure to get the tyre seating propperly but then let them down to the correct psi.
  3. Aye, makes sence i suppose,,,,,,,,i'll leave mine as is,,,,,,,handy for the fields and loosing coppers
  4. Aye, no passport required, ya leave England/Scotland and enter Northern Ireland. There is no border anymore into Ireland so ya just keep driving. The currency does change into Euros but Sterling is excepted near the border towns at a price. Going and comming to Squires,,,,,at the ferry ,,,,,they didnt even ask for me driving licence.
  5. Didnt know that. cheers m8. Do peps put them on the DTR and if they do, does it not make the front really low as the front wheel is 21" making the sitting position even more uncomfortable ?
  6. A, yes Vez, but back in the day there was a WR 200 and also a WR 500. Both of them were 2 stroke. They were aimed at the US market if i can remember correct. (might be wrong ) They were made espicaly for enduro, had lights and electricks but were not road legal. The DT 200 is probably the closest resemblence today, with the only change being electrick power-valve and oil injection. Look under some rocks on a sandy beach and i bet ya could still get your hands on one,,,,,,they were the king of the sand-dumes and would put any KTM200 to shame.
  7. Nice bike !!! That top-box looks not to bad, maby a we bit big but they are really handy, only down side to them is they catch a-lot of wind. What size top-box is it----26ltr ??? Have the wheels been changed to 17" front and back ??? I wouldnt be into heat-wraping the expansion chamber,,,,,but thats just me,,,,,i just think its too wide to look good !!!
  8. Aye Jammer, thats the one i was looking for. cant believe ya didnt here of it Kev.
  9. The North West 200 kev. is one week of pure motorbike festival. Along with the actual race there is plenty of other activities, dirt bikeing, bands, Paddock Girlies, camping, food tents ect. The hole of the North West of Ireland is suddenly swamped with bikes of all makes and sizes from all round the globe. Let me try ta find the link for ya !
  10. Another we thaught !!! Rough i know but ya get the idea !
  11. Some of them can be wierd, try putting the valve towards the back of the bike, then feed the air thingy through the spokes startinng at the centre of the wheel heading towards the valve. This is all me can thinks of !!!
  12. Would this work,,,,,,,,,use that shrink wrap electrical stuff,,,,,,,shrink wrap it arround the switch,,,,,,then take it off and soffen it in boiling water from the kettle,,,,,,then back on. I wonder would it be then soft enough for ya to push the button. Just a wee thaught !
  13. What about 2 days before the NW200,,,,,tour a bit then finish of at the NW200. Aye, it only rains if ya look behind ya,,,,,,go faster than the rain drops and it doesnt rain at all. ps. its no as bad as everyone says,,,,,i even got a sun tan this year
  14. Irish ride-out,,,,,that would be great. I could pick out all the best roads, scenery and places for bike trips. After-all i have traveled almost every road in the country.
  15. 2 Wheels


    Thanks for that m8, I was looking for a scotish tune but no joy, but im a stubern we barstwert so ill find one eventualy.
  16. Failte Monkey, to the YOC: Dont forget the 2 stroke oil. Where in IRL are ya ???
  17. Dont rush straight to a yam dealer,,,,,they will charge ya a fortune. It sounds like a small problem that will prob have an easy fix. Someone on here might have the answer for ya,,,,or do ya know anyone to ask that might be abl to help localy. If it was going fine before this happened,,,,,,can ya think back to anything that might of happened or maby something ya done. eg. ran very low on fuel or something. Just a thaught but worth checking everything over again before ya head to the dealer. What does your manual say about it in the trouble-shooting section !!!
  18. Well howdy Foamy !!! hows the army ? When tightening up the headstock bearing,,,,,,,tighten until it is tight then undo it by about 1/4 or maby 1/2 turn,,,,,check that the bars can turn freely in both directions without the need to push them arround with any force. Check them a few times before ya put everything back to geather. HTH.
  19. Others on here know more than me about your model of bike. The we hole in the exhaust should be there ( i think ) to let water vapour out. Have ya got an idle screw to turn up the revs a bit,,,,,,sounds like this is all that is needed.
  20. Aye the petrol can go off, it looses its jizz after a while, get some new stuff in there. It could also be that the bike is been ridden to slow or with not enough revs ............dont go out now and start speening,,,,,,i just mean keep the revs up a bit more before changing gear. Could also be other stuff,,,,, give her a good service first and see how ya get on. Welcome to the YOC
  21. Jesus Kev, That is rough, i feel sick now People, please do not watch this, you will be glad you didnt
  22. Gona b a long nite for me and the rats in me room
  23. Hey dudes,,,,,, was at a weddin lastnite and am in the horrers today,,,,,,,,,,now ye are scaring the crap outa me with this stuff,,,,,,,,i wont sleep a wink tonite !!!
  24. Velcome ta da dungen Where you from !
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