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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. That is pretty cool, i have a dent that i could try this on. Good find, m8
  2. If ya cant redline your bike in 4th or 5th gear then you have either one or both of these things 1) your reed switch in the speedo needs to come out (dont cut the wires) 2)your exhaust is restricted in the front section,,,,,,take it off and look up it. there is a cone shape bit in it that needs to be cut out. Do this and you will have the ability to fully rev your bike and blow the balls out of it if ya want. Read the rest of the link and do the rest of the stuff to if ya want but this much should make ya happy,,,,,,,,,YOU should also TELL your insurance company or your insurance will be void !
  3. http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/20583-de-restricting-my-dt125r/
  4. Aye, probably not mate, with a bit of luck ! Is the noise like a high metalic rattle in the high revs and does it start to be herd when slowely giving it some throttle from idle.
  5. Did ya not read the link i sent to you in your other post. !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! its about de-restricting a 02 DTR 125 !!!!! !!!!! !!!!!
  6. A well,,,,,,shit happens,,,,,what can ya do ! Will this mean the big end also ?
  7. Have a we read of this. http://www.yamahaclu...ting-my-dt125r/
  8. So NGK plugs are everybit as good as iridium,, just that they dont last as long ??
  9. Just wondering whats the story on these Iridium plugs ! 1) do the last longer ? 2) do they give better performance ? 3) are they easier on the engine ?,,,,,eg. less strain on creating spark or is it more strain ? 4) do they reduce fouling ? 5) do they reduce fuel consumption ? Ive here different stories about these plugs and was wondering what the real story is ! Four plugs = €30 they would want to do something magical !
  10. Scary, he must have balls of steel to be lying on the lil seat the way he is, then again he must have balls of seel anyway !
  11. If your a heavy, heavy boy then 65mph is good. My opinion is that the DTR is the stronger and more reliable of these bikes. Can ya red-line the bike in 5th gear
  12. Aye drewps, i put a new tyre on for me trip to squires, i new i was running late for the ferry but i also new i couldnt push to hard for at least 80 odd miles till i ran it in. What happened in this vid is entirely possible,,,,,,,,,,,the poor fella
  13. Well i dont know is the real answer,,,,,after i thaught on it for a bit. But the fact that the knocking only starts when the bike is put into gear-----seems to point to the gearbox. Dont start the bike and select a gear or a few then turn the drive sproket (since ya have the chain off) and try to listen where the knock is comming from. Could be bent plates, could be bearing in g-box Wobble in the chain----could be the bearing/bush on the other side of the drive sproket. These are all guesses but try to find out where the knock is comming from without the engine started. Aye, i know, not much help but anyway
  14. Does this spluttering only happen when the bike is in high revs ? Can you start the bike from cold with choke and then when its a bit warm put the choke off, will the bike idle now for a while ?
  15. Again Failte; to the YOC. Tips------Learn to read the road ahead of ya and what is Going to happen, when ya get good at this ya will find yourself only slowing down rather than stoping. This is the most valuable tip i can give ya, it stands for ya in every sort of riding---fast and slow---and keeps ya safer. To take off on a hill,,,,,,When stopped, put left leg on the ground right foot on back brake, little bit of throttle and let out the clutch a bit till ya feel it bite, then when ready to go gently let off the back brake and ease out the clutch a bit more, if ya think its gona stall give some more throttle and away ya go ! Go to a quiet place or carpark. Practice doing all the slow riding, taking off, stopping, turns, looking over your shoulder, turning off your indicators after every pretend turn, slowing down from 50mph to 15 not stopping and back up to 50mph..........this sounds all very childish But when ya know ya can do it corectly in a carpark or quiet road it gives ya so much more time to concintrate on whats happening arround ya on the real road. ps. i am not douting your riding abillity, i am mearly advising you back into safe riding !!! Happy and safe travels !
  16. :lol: Failte: Orange Garfield to the YOC Hope ya stick arround and join in the craic ! Good bike the YBR or so i here. enjoy your stay
  17. Brake cleaner, the stuff in a spray can is good for cleaning anything that you are sticking something to, just ley it dry fully first. Are ya sure it is the correct seal that was put in there in the first place ?
  18. How ya gettin on with the sore neck Merv. Whats the story on the bike.
  19. Failte: Joeleol to the YOC. I used to watch F1 but havent seen a race in years. enjoy your stay.
  20. Aye Kev, i think just a new plunger might do ya, like the one above. Can ya unscrew yours and take it out gently for a look, maby it just needs a new spring. But maby the carb itself is at fault (dout it ), either way have a we look at your plunger to see whats up with it. Edit : probably not your spring as yours is pulling back in ok,,,,,,i didnt read carefully
  21. Aye Kev, tiddlie winks it is then. me only got 2 then 3 on second time,,,,,,,had enough then,,,,,,it said i was a love machine though----this made me feel beter
  22. I'll have it to,,,,,me dont mind what colour ya paint it !!!
  23. 2 Wheels

    Silly idea

    Father Ted, Dougle and Jack, they hang out on this little Island. There seemes to be nothing but sheep and big stones,,(oh and stone ditches) there. Its off the coast of IRE down south somewhere ! just a bit of fun m8
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