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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Anyone know how i get a pic of here and put it into an email ? me and my computer are not friends at the min ! Thanks if ya can help !
  2. What is this big single honda ya have Merv ?
  3. Failte: to the YOC Hunter. enjoy your bike, i here there pritty good. Once bitten by the bike bug, it never goes away ! ! ! hope ya enjoy your stay here.
  4. That is the neutral relay, is it still clicking after you haev cleaned the conections ? There is nothing you can do if the relay is fu.ked, you can only buy another one or second hand. Put the bike in neutral and put the side stand up. Now try starting the bike ! Any joy ? If the clicking is still there then ya need another relay or the bike wont start !
  5. That white conector your talking about is the Netural Relay,,,,,,,it shouldnt be clicking. take it apart, clean the conections, spray with wd40, reconect and try start again. What is the engine trying to do when you kick it over ?
  6. Wife dropped lap top when i showed her this, then she began beeting me with the couch cushion :lol:
  7. 2 Wheels


    Very very good. great bike too !
  8. What do you young lads want,,,,,,,, The whole road to yourselves,,,,,,,never gona happen,,,,,,there is always gona be things all over the road,,,,,,,and that includes you lads, lying in the middle of the road with your bike not far away, unless you wise up ! ! ! I suppose you dont want any leaves to fall off the trees and land on the road either, or rain drops,,,,,,these kind of things are every bit as bad as what you lads are talking about. My first and last post on this topic,,,,,,cause it is just annoying me now ! Gas up,,,, im with you in everything you have said, dont think there is much you can teach people if they dont want to listen.
  9. Check out this Topic,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It seames NGK are every bit as good as Iridium, but them Silver plugs might be a bit better for the standerd untuned engine !
  10. That looks pritty neet,,,,,,probably very small though
  11. Cant help ya with that mate, Put it where ever it looks good and can be seen. Google Thundercat bike,,,,,,,look at the pic's in 360deg,,,,,,,it will show ya the back of the bike and mabey where the reflector is !
  12. Well then, in that case,,,,,,, i'll be first there with me beer in hand
  13. Yes you do need a red reflector on the back. it was nice of the MOT lads to stick one on for you to pass the test ! Can you not put it above or below the number-plate ?
  14. Blackhat, i know you live outside the town and near the forest, looking down on the village,,,,,,,,and i was all up for coming for a and a bit of But i think now i have slightly changed my mind ! :lol:
  15. 2 Wheels

    Came off

    Sorry to here of your Off, and im glad your not hurt. I'm not being a smart ass or anything But,,,,,,,,,people really need to start scaning the road in front of them ! As well as looking into the distance to see whats happening, Scan the road a few meters in front of you, it only takes a split second and allows you time to avoid something lying on the road ! Also riding in the centre of your lane is not always the best place to be as all sorts of dirt / stones / oil, (anything really) gathers here. This is especialy the case on smaller back roads or country roads. Thats my 2 for today !!!
  16. Aye John, am pritty sure am at 40 or 45/1.......i get 41/2 tanks of fuel to 1ltr of 2t oil.......i always make it more rich if am on a long journey or giving it a good old trashing
  17. What ya have said here suggests to me that you are running very rich mixture ! I know ya said 6 receipt's but a bit hazzy,,,,,,still though 2 bottles of oil and 568 miles doesnt sound right. That said, its better to be over-rich on long runs and high speed. I am comparing your journey to my journey to Squires. I made my bike more rich for the trip and i only burnt 1+1/4 bottle of oil. Worth cheking your mixture setting just to make sure !
  18. You mean like this one John,,,,,,only not going off the forum,,,,,,dont ya ! http://www.youtube.c...edded&version=3
  19. Ha ha, your back mate. Well done on the trip. Them pictures bring me back a few years,,,,,,used to hang-out at these places on a nice sunny sunday. Beside "Big Ben" next to the river there is a shaft that drops 30 meters down and then crosses under the river. I have a picture of me and an old girlfriend hanging out of the mouth of them lions in Trafalga Square, after we had a skip of dring, we were shortly moved on by the boys in blue after they caught us dancing on there back, its a hard job to clime up on them with a load of beer on board ! Glad ya made it with no probs. How many miles did ya clock up ? and why have ya got a fuel jar on the back ? Weather looked not to nice but still bet ya enjoyed !! fair play. Give us the details of your journey !!!
  20. have ya gone all soggy in the rain CARDBOARD slightly slumped over the bars mabey !
  21. Aye, whats the story ? u back yet ?
  22. Cant see it Jim, telling me web page has expired
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