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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. I think so Drewps,,,,,,,,,i wasnt there,,,,,,,,,,,the course was.........Road..Field..Dirttrack..Forest and then back through the town. They were all timed and the winers are at the end of pics Aye, John It was on this year 25th Sept, but no date set for next year yet. Was in a small town outside Limerick City.
  2. 2 Wheels

    Winter hack

    That is the dogs dangles,,,,,,,i would like one
  3. 2 Wheels

    Winter hack

    Bloddy great idea m8,,,,,,ya wont be sorry when ya pass
  4. Thats good BUT, Dont let them fook them up ! ! You've been warned
  5. Had a we look Gas-up, Aye, there's some cool stuff in there. Fair play to your mate for joining ! (as if ya wouldnt given half a chance) Speeking of the Dakar !!! September gone by, over here,,,,(i missed it) there was mini Dakar held just for the fun ! Guess wat they called it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," The Paddy Dakar" I herd they had good craic and it all went well. It was well organised by a few lads that go mad for this sort of thing. Here is a few pics that i found ! sorry not many of them in the dirty bits ! The winners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_VvDif12I4&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param
  6. woodie woddie wood pecker Aye, throw a block of Wood under sidestand, dont let the bike fall warm up the engine first, then let it cool down a BIT, then check the oil level
  7. Nice find ! Can we ask how many £££ you got it for ! im just beeing nosey cause i have latley been looking at old bikes myself !
  8. 2 Wheels

    Winter hack

    Aye, but there great fun not ment for tarmac so can be very giddy turning but where im from there are few roads so goin round corners flat out sideways takes some beating on the adrenilin rush scale !
  9. 2 Wheels

    Winter hack

    Get one of these, Sir Dave. No snow, ice, fields, bog or moutnains will stop ya then !
  10. As Chris66 was saying ! Turn on the ignition Put a voltmeter on the plus and minus on the battery,,,,,,,,,,,battery fully charged. It should read 12volts Now start the bike and reve it up to arround 4000 rpm and hold it there, the battery now should read 13 to 14 volts. If it doesnt then your bike isnt charging the battery shile its running. Check the regulator / rectifier,,,,,,,,it sounds like its fried.
  11. Oooooo you basterd Drewps, my hair is standin and wife is mad with me for lettin out a big roar,,,frightenin her. note to self,,,,dont watch drewpys vids while feeling on edge !
  12. Your starter could be sticking. Sit on the bike and try starting normaly,,,,,,,,,,no start ignition on side stand up select 1st clutch out rock the bike forward against the weight of the engine,,,,,,,,turning the engine just slightly,,,,,,,,doesnt even have to move more than a few inches now neutral gear try starting again,,,,,,,,,any joy ? ? What sound is the starter making / if any, when ya hit the start button ?
  13. Tis 305 miles + hour on the ferry, one way ! Looks like a nice wee spot.
  14. Miles,,,,,,305 + hour on the ferry ! one way. When ya thinkin,,,,,,,,Spring ? Edited ! !
  15. It will be sucking air in. You might see a few air boubles but your not really looking for anything,,,,you are listening to the engine to here if it starts idleing better and running smother. If ya had the carb apart, just make sure the throttle slide was put in the correct way arround. Putting the rubber boot over your mouth is a good idea but the engine will suck way harder that you can blow so your test wont be acurate enough. Also, check your throttle twist to make sure it springs back fully closed. HTH
  16. Throttle slide inside the carb sticking------just a guess. Spray arround the inlet rubber with wd40 to make sure of no air leaks. The 175 experts will be along shortly ! !
  17. i've just got to level 12 :P time for bed now !
  18. What ! thats still way to loose,,,,,,,,1 - 2 inches should be max,,,,,,,,get her tightened
  19. God Dam, thats hard to read and you have just given me a headache. Now that i've read it,,,,,,i dont know wether or not you are giving advise or if ya have a problem with your engine !
  20. Aye, i here ya m8,,,,,, i curently have mine in the conservatory in the house (wife not happy) so i guess i will turn it off,,,,,,,she definatly wouldnt be happy seeing fuel all over the floor
  21. I take it your from the States. Put up a pic of the bike and someone might be able to ID what make it is. Look arround the headstock and frame for numbers stamped on it, there shuld also be numbers stamped on the engine somewhere !
  22. If the bike is left for half an hour or there abouts then you will need to give it full choke to start it from cold,,,,,so.... Ignition on full choke no throttle neutral gear hit the start button for a couple of seconds. Does it sart up straight away when the engine is warm ? A clean air filter is important ! To check compression,,,,,,plug out and guage in,, open the throttle full, neutral gear, hit the start button for 5 seconds then stop. look at the guage, if it is reading 90psi or less then you have a problem,,,,top end overhall. If its arround the 100psi mark then its not a compression problem. Turning off the fuel wont help with the starting at all so no poin in doing this,,,,,,,i never turn off my fuel tap ! There is a "nack" to starting most bikes so mabey you just have to find yours ! Any other symtoms happening when trying to start ?
  23. Cheers v much Gas-up Your first explination works just dandy The second one----well my computer must be old,,,,,,,or else i'm gettin old ! ! Anway CHEERS
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