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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Hi and welcome Shepherd, to the YOC I cant help with your question cause its wndy and rainey and i cant think straight cause the roof is about to blow off my house (yes you guessed correct, i'm in Ireland). Someone local to you might sort ya out though. Tis always handy to have a spare few quid behind ya -------so yes, start saving a few pound every week for your test (to name but one of the many bills that life will through at ya) ! Put a few quid in an envelope every week and hide it under MY pillow, wright on the envelope "savings for me bike", once ya put money in it Dont take it out for anything other than bike related things,,,,,,,Ya get me ?,,,,,,,,,it wont take long for your envelope to grow Big and Fat and be hurting your/MY neck under the pillow. By the time winter is over ya will have the funds to go hell for leather at your test and keep at it till ya get it passed. If however ya dont feel like taking your test after this little exercise,,,and that Dam envelope has given you enough sleepless nights, do forward it on to me for the next time the wind blows hard and the rain batters my windows, so that i can sleep softley knowing i have YOUR money beside me to help me with fixing me dam roof that might in me neibours garden in the morning. This saving exercise has been given to you by "sleepless 2 wheels" It actually works quite well provided your strict with yourself ! and NO, i dont hav money lying arround me house in envelopes, so dont bother to try and rob me :lol:
  2. Na, but with the tail light light constant, who's gonna notice for now, eh !
  3. Policeman stopes drunk driver and askes him to take breath test, driver takes out NHS card, "this man is asthmatic please do not take his breath" Policeman askes him to take blood test, Driver takes out second NHS card, "this man is anemic please do not take his blood" Poiceman then askes him to take urine test, Driver pulls out third NHS card---"this man is a Liverpool season ticket holder, please do not take the piss".
  4. A woman gets on a bus with her baby, The bus driver says, "thats the ugliest baby i've ever seen, ugh" The woman goes to the back of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to the man next to her, "The driver just insulted me". The man says "You go right up there and tell him off -go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you".
  5. When i was a young fella, i picked up my date at her parents house, i scraped up enough money to take her to a very nice resturant, she ordered the most expensive things on the mene. shrimp-cocktail, lobster, champagne, i asked her "does your mother feed you like that when you eat at home" "no" she replies, "but my mother's not expecting a blow-job tonight, to that i said "enjoy your meal"
  6. It took me a while to see what they were looking at
  7. 2 Wheels

    Rip off dealer

    Aye Kev,,,I agree I dont deal with dealers cause they all a shower of theves ! Learn and do it all yourself,,i say
  8. Hahaaaaaaa,,,,two lads headin down the road,,,,speedos and lid only,,,,the girleys will run a mile
  9. Dont be crashing any more then,,,, Bike looks good !
  10. Thank You from the two of us,,,,,,for all the well wishes
  11. Apparently new laws in Europe give the bosses all the power to do what they want. This includes giving the sack even when on maternity ! Some day we'll have the last laugh (carma)
  12. Aye Jim,,,,,,your math is good,,,,,wee one will be born in Donegal but due in Mayo Was just thinkin there,,,,,t'will be close call for the NW200 On a bad note,,,,Aoife got the axe the day,,,,,now only 2 days a week,,,,,Boss is a
  13. That route makes it a bit dear because they make you book a cabin (even if ya dont want it) I had planned that way for Squires but there was something about it -----no foot passengers or bikes,,,,,,,youll need to check it out again. Ferrys give a good discount for a group booking,,,,,,,so get ye all togeather and book early
  14. Aye John,,,, Cheers mate,,,,,this is me first,,,,,na me wife is from the west,,,,,Mayo,,,,,,,i am related to the sweeny's your thinking about though.
  15. Ok, i'll spill the beans on this. Aye this bike was for me brother who not so long ago passed his test. He found the add and asked me to look at the bike for him. He hadnt really got the mulla ta buy the steed but I was gona bargin the bloke down. Behind the sceen I was quietly hopein the bro wouldnt buy it and then I could have a chance at it all for myself. (i would of let him have first crack at it though). Anyway, thinking about the bike all day the day, me was gettin anchous. Long story short, I am selling my CBR and was hopein that i would get this low milage gem for a steel, Why,,,,Because,,,,,My wife is expecting,,,3 months gone,,,,(all is well by the way),,,,Happy Days. I had hoped that I could of been buying a newer bike mabey in the summer but, i better pull in my horns and keep the money for baby things (what ever they are). Thats the story,,,,thaught i might of got a nice Fazer for little money ! i shall keep looking
  16. You have said so many things now that we dont know what problems the bike has
  17. Aye, keep searching I suppose !
  18. Found it, and Dam it,,,,,,it has sold,,,,should of known it wouldnt last long for sale. Here it was
  19. If im doing it right it showed all the sites i was in for the last month,,,,,it brought me to the web-site the bike was on but still seems he has taken it off . Did i do it right ?
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