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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Reebok have released new ultra tight cycling shorts for women called (mumblers), you can see the lips moveing but you cant make out what the cunts saying ! ! ! i'll get me coat
  2. Wild animals can sometimes have a soft side,,,,,,although this cat looks like its tame,,,,,there all wild by nature ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdYsOs8TpD4
  3. 2 Wheels

    O So Quiet

    They say if ya here her howlin 3 times that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  4. 2 Wheels

    O So Quiet

    Paul,,,,,,you tell them that TV will rot there brain's :D
  5. 2 Wheels

    O So Quiet

    Aye Jim,,,, reminds me of the aul days,,,,,when the electric would go out,,,the candle's would get lit,,,,a few neibours would turn up and the goast stories would start a flowin. Hard ta beat the wee dram's
  6. 2 Wheels

    O So Quiet

    What the hell are ye all at lately ? Put down your tools and stop fixin your bikes,,,,,,,stop choppin logs for the fire,,,,,,,stop looking out the window at the snow,,,,,,,turn on your puters and lets get some craic goin before the hoildays ! eh ! Or Dont mind me,,,i'm just havin a few beers !!!
  7. There's a fella that comes once a year and he's pritty good at getting what ya want. He's called,,, Santa. :lol: Sorry mate, i had ta do it ! I have no clue where to get Classic stuff from, some of the lads will sort ya out in a wee while. Welcome to the YOC
  8. Howdy Eric,, Failte to the YOC any holiday homes goin there for free ?
  9. 2 Wheels


    Ye Ha,,,,well done Chris
  10. Failte to the YOC,,, G,,,,
  11. Aye, were gettin the cold weather but not as much snow as ye. 10" of snow is all we hav. Tis enough, tis enough i say Have never seen ya in your SKIRT Barkey. Me thinks ya do be cheatin :lol:
  12. Aye, send them to da Sin Bin,,,,,,,,,ie the kitchen
  13. Well Jim, we seem to be stuck at -12 deg at night and then it rises to -5 or -4 during the day. Not a lot of snow falling lately but we are having our fair share of it ! Tis a pain in the arse but tis to be expected this time of da year. Hows is up there ? From what i see and here ye have it pritty bad !
  14. Sounds like your battery is arsed stay out all nite with a hairdryer giving the bike a good aul thaugh. light candles arround yourself and the bike to keep windchill at bay ! ! !
  15. 2 Wheels


    Welcome aboard Barginbin
  16. Happy birthday Darfen and ellmet. :)
  17. Nope Kev, it really is -12 deg. We had about 10 inches of snow and now were all walking arround on top of the 10 inches. Tis frozen solid sir.
  18. Theres no cream left in our fridge, had the last bit for desert. Oooooooooo,,,,,, you mean the other creaming myself
  19. -12 deg now, i think its gone too cold for any more snow to fall. ps, i am no telling lies ya know
  20. WTF is wrong with some peops. EDIT: meaning the fella in the vid,,,,,,,,,,,,,just in case !
  21. How ya, sticky: failte to the YOC
  22. 10 inches of snow, but it has stoped for a while. - 8 deg at the min
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