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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Tyre on backwards are ya gonna reverse everywhere As said, take it handy when your out for your "good blast" or she will slip from underneath ya ! Its very much worth getting the front wheel Ballanced aswell.
  2. I was just re-reading and i dont know if ya have a spark now or not ?
  3. Break in miles for a newly rebuilt engine is far more that half an hour,,, If ya have no sark with it earthed on engine then try a new plug. No spark after that then you have to trace the lead back to where there is power comming to it,,,,,( ie. coil )
  4. Failte: to the YOC You could do all that work and only get 2 - 3 mph more speed. Save your money and be happy with the small bike it is. 50mph is good for a 50cc
  5. The rad might not be earthed as it usualy sits on rubbers so that it cant vibrate and burst,,,,,,,,,earth the plug on the side of the engine. How long has this bike been layed up,,,,,if at all ? EDIT: start at the tank make sure fuel is getting to the carb,,,,,open drain screw/nut on bottom of carb and let fuel flow out,, then tighten. no plug in then kick her over a few times, then plug in and choke on, no throttle,,,,,,give her a good kicking. All this of coarse only if ya have a spark. If it still wont start,,,,plug out to see if its wet with fuel !!!
  6. This is exactly why i dont let anyone else near my bikes,,,,,,,
  7. 2 Wheels


    Beee Jeepers,,,,,she'll be a fast one,,,,,eh !!! :ambulance:
  8. Well then,,,dirt must have got through in the fuel,,,,,,or the bike was left unused for a while. The float valve is sticking by the sounds of it. Carb off float bowl off carefully move the float up and down by hand without bending it if you can, blow through the valve to clear it out put back togeather You could try lightly tapping the tloat bowl with something first to see if it free's it up before you take carb off. Best of luck !
  9. Do mean the very bottom of the carb (ie. float bowl). If so,,,,do as KirriePete is saying !
  10. 2 Wheels


    Welcome: Paul from Wales,,,to the YOC
  11. :lol: :lol: A jaysus,,,,,thats just deadly,,,,, Yep it must of been the Glava !
  12. Christmas Happyness to ye all at the YOC,,,,,,,,may 2011 be a great biking year for ye all
  13. Y thank ye all,,,,,,i'm allive after a heavy nights drinkin, was just meself an herself, she went home for a bite ta eat and a rest,,,,when she came back i was well sloshed. Had a good aul day anyway. Happy Christmas to ye all !
  14. :lol: Least ya have it sorted,,,,,,£120 isnt all that bad. I lost keys before for a transit van, was none the wiser at the time had to go to ford, cose me €450,,,,,i nearly cried. Didnt post this earlier caus i new they would rip ya off. Happy Christmas to ya m8
  15. There all hard categories to fill, they are. How we gona sort them all out,,,,,,,,,,,the post's would be all over the place,,,,,be hard to keep track kinda ????? I'll have a wee route arround,,,,,,a wee think,,,,,,,and mabey start it off EDIT: dont be shy now boys !
  16. Nice lid John boy,,,,,,me likey
  17. Mabey you have been tellin alot of lies lately,,,,,,eh! ,,,,,,an your nose is the size of pinokio eh!
  18. Aye, ill hang on to them Jim,,,,,the bunch seems to be growing somehow. ps. am tryin to get Vez to bite !
  19. I've a bunch of keys here,,,,dont know what there for.
  20. Thats a good one Go wan will ya,,,,,tels us where ya from
  21. Ya mean,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Vice grips,,,,,,,,,,or,,,,,,,,,,"munkey wrench" And are ya telling me,,,,,,,,,your fella hands ya the tools and you do all the work on the bike ?? Failte to the YOC (nut house)
  22. Fill tank to the neck with fuel and treatment,,,,,shut off the fuel,,,,,start bike and run the carbs dry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(there's a bit of an echoe in here ) Shur why would ya be takin off the carbs ! ! !
  23. Well, i dont think ya have a huge problem,,,,,,i remember something that sound kinda like this in another thread,,,,,,dont quote me but i think there is something above but inside the cover of the alternator that is prone to a little oil leak on the XS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I may be very wrong though,,,,,,,,my memory is not what it used to be.. Anyway,, sit tight for a while and someone might be able to sort ya out. Good luck with her/it !!!
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