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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. You have to click it up a notch for a while. Smear fairyliquid on the inside and wipe it away lightly. There is a hole thread on this subject somewhere.
  2. Welcome David. You should have tried harder to get her starting before you pulled the head off. You could now put it all back togeather and find that it has perished crank seals,,,,,, then you will be stripping it all again. Let us know what the story is eh!
  3. Plug should be BR9ES Gear oil should be 10w30 but ive put in 10w40 before without any probs. 2 stroke oil,,,,,, i use carlube 2T,,,,,, its nothing to do with cars by the way. As said, all will be on a good bike shop shelf. Fresh fuel in the tank and MAKE sure the oil pump (2 stroke) is pumping oil.
  4. 2 Wheels

    The Hague

    Ooooo you lucky son of a b-itch Have a good trip mate
  5. Welcome to the YOC, Try to relax when on your bike,,,,,,,,, Feel what the bike is doing underneath you,,,,,then you'll know what to do to correct it. Good luck on friday
  6. 2 Wheels


    Nice,,,,,well ware
  7. Just seeing this now, Did you clean and dry the area to find out which seal it is thats leaking ? You will then know which seal you are hunting for,,,,,, any good bike shop will be able to get you one,,,,,,, or get one on ebay. If you dont want to do it your self (fairly easy job anyway) then there is a lad in Trim, Co.Meath that i know,,,,,,,,if its not to far for you to go then (1 +1/2 hour ride for you) this lad will have it done for ya in no time. Again find out which seal it is and he can have it ordered for ya ! He lives outside Trim in " Boardsmill " I'll pm ya his number if ya want. or ya could ride ta Donegal and ill do it for ya
  8. Turn the lamps upside down and swing them in to the inside of the bars,,,,,eg. under where your boot will go.
  9. Ha ha,,, i just got one of them today too,,,,,,,,,,, it went, My bike wont start can U help ? That was it Only 2 posts aswell.
  10. Well done sir,,,, hope its a full restore with loads of pictures. ps. she might of started easier if there was no clutch drag,
  11. Sounds good Paul. How come she needed new rings,,,was she getting a little rattley or was she just due a set because of milage (every 10K )
  12. Steering lock is something i never use anywhere,,,, dam things just dont work too smooth. Mabey i should start using it though !
  13. She is alive and beating like a Tiger (kitten) Had no float height setting so i took ages trying and trying and trying to get the ballance right. The needle height can be adjusted in 3 different places,,,,, needle its-self, top of carb and can be adjusted at handle-bar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this also took ages to sort out. I have it idling and it takes full throttle without heasitating. The down side is,,,,, i have done this with the exhaust off,,,,,,so now ill prob have to redo it when the new exhaust comes. No dought there will be more adjusting to do when i take it for its first spin. But as she stands now, she is ticking over nicely,,,,,,,,, and very loudly
  14. Aaaa Jaysus,, Were you hammering it down the road for ages at full revs ? Take the plug out and leave it overnight,,,,,,you might be in a hydrolic lock. With plug out will the engine turn over at all. You may have broken rings making piston stuck The power valve may have hit the piston making it stuck. You may have messed with the carb settings and now the engine has overheated and seized ( stuck ) Either way its not looking good ! Did you do anything to the bike to make it go faster ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  15. Aldi and Lidi sometimes have jacket and trousers,,,,there not too bad for short journeys,,,, they would be good enough quality till you can find some gear that you like and can spend the money on.
  16. Might go for a spin on me bike then I had to edit this poost to put in emotions, they arent working
  17. What lake is it at the bottom of ?
  18. Dont change the spark plug,,,,,leave the origional one, provided it is the correct one for the bike(find out the right plug numbers in a manual) Changing to a colder or hotter plug can seriously damage your bike. EDIT: people will tell you to do all-sorts of things to your bike,,,,,,dont listen to them,,,,try out the bike and change things you think yourself as you go along. Welcome to YOC
  19. Well it should come in at 6k instead,,,,,,, dont think there's any way to make it come in earlier,,,,,, so mabey you have another prob along the line somewhere
  20. Nothing wrong with pattern parts,,,, aslong as there a good make. Yer man in shop is talking through his ass !
  21. Go on bike anyway,,,,,,, tell "boys in blue" its all in the post,,,,,,, they will tell you to produce documents in 10 days at your chosen station. Then on monday just get it all sorted. So go mate,,,, Dont you know laws are only there to be broken
  22. I like your new signature John,,,,,, one of ma mates has a harley,,,,,, i must rattle of this line to him at wekend
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