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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Welcome sir to the YOC Over here in Ireland,,,,,,,so people would rip your right arm of to get hold of that bike. They are a really great bike with a really good engine. They go for mad money here. It would be a terible shame to tear it apart and make a trike outa it. It looks lovely as it it !!! Pat
  2. Welcome along That bike you have is a good bike,,,,,,,, what year is it ?
  3. Because of this statment,,,,, i now know he is not very experienced and needs to learn A LOT. You can start of by teaching him the value of money,,,,,,, make him earn and pay for Everything to do with bikes. Road experience comes with time,,,,,but if knows the price of fixing a crashed bike that cost him so much in the first place he might think twice as to the way he rides. Stand firm my dear,,,,, he will thank you in years to come
  4. If you just want to get rid of it now then thats fine. if it were me i would prob look into fixing it. From the pic it doesnt look too bad. Providing the forks aren't bent or twisted then than wont cost much to fix. The plastic's would be the dear bits if they are all cracked. If ya had the time to leave it in your garage for a while, get bits an pieces as you can afford them,,,,the bike would be ridable again fairly soon. Would need to see bike in the flesh though to make sure of its condition. If you sell now,,,,then have to start over again with another bike then the cost of doing that would be much bigger. Me i would keep insurance going,,,,fix bike to ridable condition,,,, fix the rest when i could,,,, this would be cheeper. Pat
  5. Leave the insurance policy as it is for now,,,,,,, just incase the audi driver does decide to claim later on. can ya show us a picture of how bad bike is.... people in the know about bikes could fix it up for alot cheeper than 1500. Do you know any good local garage fella. I would stay away from the dealers. Edit: glad your son is ok.
  6. Google also tells me that the 1WG bike is a 1986 bike The 1989 bike is 3EN2 model. ?????????????????????
  7. Google tells me,,,,standerd tyres for your bike are Front,,,,,,120/60 R17 Rear,,,,,,,160/60 R17 So some one put a R18 wheel on the back of your bike. I would keep an eye out for 17 inch rear wheel for you bike.
  8. No. You cant put a R17 tyre on a R18 wheel
  9. Married myself a few years. One wee girl,,,another on the way. When i was single i had loads of money,,,, if i wanted a new bike i would just go and get one. Now, everything is on a budget and the bills are big. Being married eats up your money,,,,,,dont care what anyone says ! But its all good,,,,,, Mrs 2Wheels is a great person,,,,,, she would have to be to put up with things i do. If i didnt meet her i would probably have drank myself to death by now. We have a great relationship,,,,,she can do her things and i can do mine, then we do things togeather. Ya have ta have your own freedom every now an again,,,,otherwise youll both crack up. Dont get booged down in "its your turn to do this" get off your ass and just do what needs to be done, then there's more time to do fun stuff. Hope ya enjoyed your day,,,,,,nice pics Pat. ps. this mariage lesson was brought to you today by 2Wheels
  10. Welcome along bippo If its a bran new bike, the tyres will be slippy untill they are worn in for a bit,,,,take care in the wet untill then.
  11. Nice bike,,,,, clean as a whistle
  12. Welcome Rob before ya start her,,,,, back wheel off the groung,,,,, 5 or 6th gear,,,,,,take out the plugs,,,,,turn wheel slowly to make sure all is ok. Put 1/2 spoon of oil in plug holes if ya want,,,,,,,, turn wheel again to help free things up,,,,,,,its a long time lying up so engine will be dry. Brushes are probably stuck in the starter,,so starter doesnt move,,so relay clickes. It could also be the relay is goosed. Tap the starter with something solid,,like wood,,might free the brushes If ya think starter is free and relay is gone,, you could cross the starter terminals with a screwdriver,, or ya could bump start her down the road ( this is iffy though as ya dont know what the bike is going to do. The revs could be high and could end up in disaster ) You will prob have to let some of the moth's outa your wallet eventually though.
  13. FZS 600s,,,,,,max = 135mph,,,,,0-60 = 3.6 sec,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, interestingly 0-100mph = 8.0 sec There is plenty left in it yet though. Riding at a ton is only half the RPM before she reaches the red line. She will also do 30mph in 6th gear without stuttering,,,,, they have plenty of tourque DT125R,,,,,,max = no idea,,,,,0-60 = no idea,,,,,,but fairly nippy Mini Dirt Bike,,,,,,,,, i will some day put her to the test. 200cc quad,,,,,,, no idea of speed
  14. I will be really strugling to go this year, but am gonna do me best. The odds are against me,, i've been checking into dates an stuff. We've a lot goin on at the moment, (work + life things) She wants a family holiday,,i said she can have one later when work gets quieter,, I've allready been away on my own a fair few times this year,, The change-over in money to £ is poor,, I've ta tax the DT €68 We are Going again ( nother wee wan on the way ) Insurance on car + jeep + house are due next week,, And, it might rain that weekend ( only joking ) So Blackie,,,,, dont rule me out just yet,,, save me a spot on ya trailer,, ya know what am like, cant sleep that nite i might just go. A'll be on da fone ta ya closer da time. Better get ta work now for da money's €€€€
  15. 2 Wheels


    Nice one Drewps and fair play to ya Oldtimer
  16. Ok,,, the camera is really shaking so thats why i didnt boather with any more vids. This is on the road to Applecross. Nearly all the road is single track with poor road surface but still nice. Worth a look so ya can see some of the seenery.
  17. I forgot i had made a video,,,,,,, only one because the camera was shaking very bad,,,,, wish i kept filming now. Am up-loading it now,,,,,,,, so that will probably only take 3 hours or so. EDIT: i have me bike back to tip top shape again,,,,, been working on it in the evenings for a hour or so. Only thing left to do now is the scratches on the front fairing. am gonna try an sand them down and toutch up with the correct colour paint hopefully.
  18. Aye,,,, mine is a car satnav,,,, there's no card,,, think ya just up-grade the maps to it from computer,,,,, i think
  19. No idea Kev,,,,,, but this is something i need to do too. My maps are out of date and i need to up-grade. I think some up-grade's are free but others cost a fortune. Any idea's lads on Kev's prob and mine ???
  20. Cynic,,,,, are these the same engine as your TDR?? just wondering
  21. You need a new ignition,,,,,, the probs will never go away otherwise. damage has allready been done,,,,, cdi,,,,,coil,,,,blowen fuses,,,,,,posably blowen neurtal relay at back of bike, nothing will work without this. I'm a real believer in doing things the right way,,,,,,, cutting corners only askes for trouble.
  22. Welcome JP There is a lad on here who does cdi's,,,,,,,, his name is speedshop,,,,,, click on his name and send him a PM,,,,,he might be able to sort you out.
  23. I would go with the gloss for the frame,,,,, i thing it is more resistant and hardier than the satin.
  24. Welcome to the club sir,,,,,, have a good aul look round and join in the craic.
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