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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Phone got smashed up so lost your number. When ya get a chance PM me your number please. Pat
  2. Mabey theres something wrong with your bike,,,,, it shouldnt be shaking as bad as you are saying,,,,mine doesnt anyway. Have you ever checked that your wheels are alligned. Are the fork sanctions flush/equal in length with the top yoke. Shit,,,,sorry,,,just re-read your post,,,,,, you are running NOBBIES
  3. 2 stroke oil goes in the plastic bottle at front of bike,,,,under the handlebars,,,,,,,,,, 2 stroke oil doesn't go anywhere else. 10w40 or 10w50 MOTORBIKE engine oil goes in the gearbox/engine. small black cap on right side of engine, above brake pedel No other oils go in your bike. If this is not what you have done, then don't start your bike
  4. Googles and a hard-hat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sur ya'll be grand !!!!
  5. Fook me,,,,,,,,, am getting confused now ,,,,,,,, its been a long day Are ya putting 2 stroke oil in the gearbox,,,,,, surly not,,,,,,,, just had ta ask
  6. Sweet geasus,,,,,5000 grand,,,,that couldn't be right,,,,,, them cunts are takin the piss,,,,, did ya ring them all. (theres not many) think they just try any aul number to see will ya pay them. Ring them back and eat them !!! Ya can lower the bike by changing the dog-bones under the swingarm. Ya can get them Avon Distanzia tyres in the north They look like this
  7. Aye, that's what I would do if I was gona do it,,,,,,, much cheeper,,,,,,less hassel,,,,,,, and ya can always throw on the dirt tyres again if needed
  8. Well said Taskey On the right side, behind foot brake
  9. How's it goin sir,,,,,,, am Donegal too,,,,, and have a DT125,,,,,,and a we 50cc scrambler (nearly all renewed,,but no finished yet) Where bouts are ye ?
  10. Nice,,,, I like the cats,,,,hard to get a good one these days. Did that screen throw the air over your head or did you get it in the chest ??
  11. Yep,,,, unfortunately R6's get the ball's driven outa them most of the time. 2nd gear gets the worst of the brunt,,,,,,, everyone throttles hard in 2nd usually all the way to 60mph......stupid I know but that what they do. Do the easy checks first and lets hope that sorts you out.
  12. Welcome to the YOC That looks just like a Transalp 600
  13. As above Correct oil level will solve all your probs,,,,, even the reving when changing gears,,,,,provided your throttle cable isn't stuck or something
  14. Had to spend half the day pulling the brakes off my jeep. Was doing about 40mph when all of a sudden the left rear wheel locked up and dragged me all-over the road. Got it home and it took ages to get drum off the shoes. the shoe had plenty life left in it but it had snapped in 2 and totally locked the drum onto it. Both back brakes sorted now but wasn't easy as the sun was pelting down (good complaint) So all sorted for work again 2moro
  15. Not as hot as last week but still high temp's http://www.xcweather.co.uk/forecast/Strabanne
  16. The little white relay box at the back of the bike,,,left side,,,up under panel,,,,beside water expansion tank. This is some sort of a neutral relay ( i dont know much bout electrics) but i do know that if this is disconected or broken then you can kick the shite outa your bike,,,,,but it still wont start,,,,wont spark,,,,,wont do anything. There doesnt seem to be any way of checking wheather its working or not,,,,, only try one of another bike or buy a new one. Not saying this is your prob but worth a look
  17. Bridgestone Trailwings TW302,,,,,,or,,,,,, are you running supermoto Like these
  18. Nice one Bippo,,,,,there's no stopping you now, eh! Mile munching into different lands is very addictive and great fun
  19. Sounds like bike is running too rich,,,,, or mabey that choke is stuck on. What colour are plugs? Easy starting when cold but not when hot = running rich Dies slowly as bike warms up = choke stuck on or running rich If your sure timing is proper, you need to start at the tank and work your way to the plugs making sure everything fuel related and sparking are all ok.
  20. I spent 3 months in the USA,,,,,,,,,,, the dam roads are just too straight Come to Ireland for the Twisties Looks like you had a good day out Pat
  21. Could also be a blocked up exhaust system have you the right settings on the carb for the year of bike,,,,air screw turnouts,,,,,,idle speed. like the rest were saying,,,,,start doing the checks to eliminate causes
  22. You get hayfever cause the pollen count in the air is higher during the summer months. Taking thses basically puts pollen into your system and in turn the hayfever doesn't bother you anymore. You have 60 days to try them out and then if they haven't worked for you they will give you your money back. My brother use's them all the time
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