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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. That is shit news Merv,,,, Glad your ok Get well soon mate,,,,,,get yourself one of them we sleeping pillow's that they use on the flights, it will help your neck rest when your sittin arround. Keep your chin up,,,,,,ya be back to yourself in no time.
  2. 2 Wheels


    Congrats, Goff, and well done. Something worth doing allways takes a long time. Glad ya stuck at it and see now ya have a good job,,,,,watch the pennys rool in and spend as ya please. Good luck with new job ps. try not ta spill any of me pint when sending it over ta me !!!
  3. But But But,,,, i dont have Sky movies Blackie, what will i do now,,,,,drink more coffey ??
  4. Cheres for that Gas-up,-----me still likes this bike, i think it would be a good bet for irish roads. Have ya ever tried the Triumph Tiger (new one r old ) ??
  5. Ill give it a go on me oldfellas sat-nav, see what happens ! Might pass the long winter nights eh !
  6. I dont realy understand, how does it work, Am i a bit of a dumbo !!!
  7. John Wane,,,,the Loan Ranger,,,,Clint Eastwood,,they all walk like cowboys but they havent a patch on me the day,,, i'm so so sore and stiff ya couldnt imagine !!! First off Vez,,,,sorry ya couldnt make it m8,,feel gutted for ya, dont sulk to much as im sure it'll all happen again !!! Barkwindjammer,,me tent buddy,,your a top man, really ya are,, spend most of the weekend bikein alongside ya which was great fun. Blackhat250,,funny stories from ya, sound man,,thank ya so much for the lift to Dumfries,,i owe ya. That widowmaker,,fock me that has some lift in her,,cool. Pilninggas,,we had good crack takin up the rear of the rideouts, from tryin to run down phesents for the supper, to warming up the tyres race bike style and all your stunts and tricks, it was a laugh. Cardbordave,,ya were askin me somethin bout me bike,,but ya dont need tips from me,,,,,your bike goes 95 for fock sake,,glad ya made it there in time. Manchester crew,, Oldgit,,Drewps,,Cynic,,up-yours,oldtimer, ye are all great fun with very funny stories, realy enjoyed your company, like the old bikes ye have too,,,cool r what ! Hope your bike is no damaged cynic. What a CRACKIN weekend it was, Ye are a great bunch and i would go bikein with any of ye any day ! i wont forget this trip for a long time ! Why am i so sore today,,,,,,,,? Because, Milage on me bike when i left = 6680klm Milage when i got home = 7898klm Grand total = 1112klm This is 690 miles covered in 3 days on a uncomfortable DT Imagine if Blackhat didnt give me a lift in the van !!! The miles creaped up i guess from being lost and turning into little vilages for fuel, and ridin round all day sat, that A75 to Carlisle is a long road with very few fuel garages,,,,be carefull if your on this road on a small bike,,, i was on reserve just once but it was very close to being stranded nowhere. Did ye all notice how many times we were lost on country back roads on saturday,,,,,,,,and not one of us gave a toss cause it was just great fun. I'll happly go touring with any/all ye lot again Such a great weekend !!! ps. ye will never see my DT in squires again, ha ha, 600 from now on----everywhere !
  8. Well Well Well,,, Just been readin all the posts, What a weekend that was. Am fucked tired so not gona stay on long,,,,, Anyway me got here safe and sound, pissed rain all the way home from off the boat, which was 1/2 hour late again,,,,was just wantin to get home so off the boat i hammered on at 70mph all the way,,,passed harleys and everthing that were pissen me off as my temper was up with tiredness. Landed at the house at 8.50pm so not to bad i suppose. Ya gotta hand it to me we DT125r for making the chalange all the way there and back doing 65 + 70mph all the way and not one bit off trouble did she give !!! What a good we bike they are. Anyway,,, im off to me cot for the nite,,,, back again 2moro with more details. Great weekend,,,,,,thanks guys.
  9. Was talkin to Jammer, he said the weather was lovely. Am all packed and ready to eat road------all 310 miles of it-----one way. Me we DT is in for a hell of a shock,,,,,here's hoping it stands up to the chalange. See ye all there, Take care now and ride safely !!!
  10. 2 Wheels

    First Post.

    Failte: Edward, to the YOC. Good we bike the SR. Have fun looking at the walls in this hospital.
  11. If they dont want me cash-------then i wont give it to them------ill just take there grub and beer :lol:
  12. Thats shit news Vez, Call me dumb but,,,,,,,what happened to it,,,,,,,,,thaught it was a good bike?
  13. TOKNABOUT ! White heather ? ya sure m8
  14. 2 Wheels

    pulse jet bike

    And Pat (me) would still be late for school as ye can tell from me bad spellin !!!
  15. 2 Wheels

    pulse jet bike

    Cool yoke ! wish i had one when i was goin to school. That battery is seriously close to the back wheel,,,,,it wouldnt want to move and lock up the wheel
  16. All the usual stuff Gas-up,,,,peps bike problems + fixes,,,,,few jokes,,,,and takin the piss. Thats a really small sum-up for ya !!! But more to the point,,,,,,,,,,,Squires cafe, this saturday 10am,,,,,,,,,,are ya gona travell down for the day and meet us all. Is it far from you? maby your all toured out !
  17. All going well Blackhat ill be at squires at bout 7.30pm friday,,, this includes me stopping for a coffey and an ass massage from a willing person
  18. This will sound silly to ya mabey but, try tightening them first, then loosening
  19. The plonker in this vid has some serious childhod issue's to get over
  20. 2 Wheels

    Ha Ha

    Which of you done this then ?
  21. What small tube ? Was the tank empty when ya got home ?
  22. Now thats good straight thinking. there hard to beat !!!
  23. That is some nifty paint work !!! Vez,, i didnt take you to be the XV warrir type..
  24. 2 Wheels

    OT's Birthday

    Happy Birthday Oldtimer, Ya live to fight another year, Enjoy
  25. sorry Paul, I ment " i'll be going home". Guns N Roses------Aye Spainyardos playing like Puffs------no chance. Dont worry m8 i'll be meetin ya
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