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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. How do I do that Paul,hopefully i can
  2. FFS The fella has taken the add off,,,,, I never wrote down the number so now i cant even ring him to find out whats the story. I am annoyed at myself Why did he take away the add,,,,,,,unless it has sold allready Either way I have missed out on a very good bike. Dam ! !
  3. From my understanding the front pully should constantly grab the belt and as you go faster the back pully will adjust to give you more speed. So, Were them fins grabbing the belt ? Have ya got any pictures for us ! Could it be that you have just put the belt on and tightened it up a bit without mabey re-setting the back pully to its more open position. (ie. first gear)
  4. I dont know your bike but,,,,, How does the front pully grab the belt ? is it one of them V pullys that tightens in as throttle is applied ? or is that set-up on the back.
  5. Would it not need the Fins on the front pully so that it catches the belt fully giving it torque to pull off from standstill !
  6. This is a FZS 600 Fazer,,,,,,its a 1999,,,,,this pic doesnt do it justice---its in great shape,,,,,it has 2300 original miles,,,,,one owner from new. I am looking into it for my brother,,,cause he asked me to,,,If he doesnt want it i am really considering buying it,,,,,,,,So What would ye good peps pay for it ?? Ta !
  7. A cheep result for ya then,,,thats good ! After the bike is idleing for a while splash a little water on each down pipe, if the water dries instantly then that cylinder is working fine. Then off ya go for a good hard spinn to blow of the cobwebs !
  8. Just found oot there's an Ace Cafe in Dublin,,,,,,,,,,,is this on your to do list John
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4grzqD1YTo
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4C3dqpUe7s&feature=related
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEqnf35ZQGM
  12. Do compression test to rule out alot of things ! Keep throttle fully on when doing the test.
  13. Me thinks ya just answered your own question. Loose Conections
  14. Failte Jim bob, to the YOC. Tis a grand ward ta be on !!!
  15. These are for your bike, no price, Irish company, youll prob get them in some UK site also.
  16. I'm no good with electrical problems but my mate had a very simular prob with his bike a few weeks ago. Them reg/rec that have no fins and are filled with resin ARE CRAP. You are better off getting one of the cast ones with the fins. Your altinator seems to be putting out the right volts but then from the reg/rec the power is lost. After a LOT of feckin arround my mate got the fined type reg/rec and hasnt had a prob since.
  17. Heated grips really only work when there paired with hand shields in my opinion. A taller wind screen will through alot of the wind over your head but it comes with a drawback of fluttering in your helmet. The hand shields are good but the screen is up to you. Important to keep warm,,,,,,tired, cold rider is asking for a crash. 3 r 4 T-shirts is better than any 1 best jumper you have. The more layers ya have on the better rather than just 2 warm jumpers,,,,,,,ya get me ! There are good rain jackets out there (not for the rain) but to brake the wind off your chest, they have no wips down the front and pull on over your head. There is also great thermel vests out there that are designed for bikers.
  18. Aye, indeed ya can Sir Dave. Where the NW200 takes place is still the UK so to speek,,so the same rules apply. It is only if ya travel 40 mins or so further that ya enter IRL but again L plates are A O K.
  19. Aye,,indeed,,,a good bike from what i here,,,,nice one the sound of a big V-twin,,,,,,,,,reall nice
  20. And the big Twin you got was ????
  21. Ye were havin a Ball,,,,,i know ye were ! John,,,yer lookin COOL for the photo shoots Looks like ye had a good wend !
  22. Well done you two,,,,,,suporting the kids is always full-filling and ya get to have a bit of craic doing it.....congrats. That santa gear really looks the part on ya kev ! Your 175 Paul makes a perfect roodof ! :thumb:
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