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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Yep pipes off carb and leave on fuel tap. Nearly sure the older DT's dont have that steel mesh filter in the inlet spigot but the newer DTR and DTRE have it. Thoroughly clean carb everywhere and he should find it.
  2. 2 stroke's Clean air filter,,,,or get new one Clean exhaust,,,,,de-clog the thing Clean carb,,,,every single bit of it Clean filters in tank and the pipes to the carb Check for good spark Set the carb to factory settings, to start with There is many things that can describe what is happening your bike,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,carb settings,,,,,type of exhaust,,,,good air filter. Best thing to do is get manual And before ya start any of the above Check Compression,,,,,,,,it should be minimum 100ps or more. Patience is key Best of luck
  3. Jaysus thats nice,,,,,,,,,,,,,i want one now
  4. I'll charge me camera so Na worry sir,,,,i'll be lookin out for ya,,,,,,,,,,,how come ya not on da ZRX ? 2 black Yan's and a baby red Yan
  5. :lol: Post the front cover on here Oldtimer
  6. Jaysus sir, your in bad luck Yep get another yam and ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,build a secure shed Bloody cops eh !!!
  7. I plug my own tyres when i get a nail in them,,,, never had any probs,,,,,,touch wood If im ridin hard though, it does be in the back on my mind
  8. I humbley apologise to ya Jim,,,, Sur ya know i was only jokin,,,,,,,,your a member that will be here for the long haul Livin in da north of our countries we have ta be thick skinned,,,,,,,otherwise we'll withere up and die with the cold Me is thick skinned so feel free ta batter me with abuse for me comments
  9. I'll pm ya on wed or thur,,see what your plan is,,,,,what time your ferry lands,,,,,,and where/when i might meet ye for a days ridin. Hows that sound !
  10. Haaaaaaa Thats cool. The YOC should get a load of old bikes and start that,,,,,,,,,,,it looks like mad crack,,,,,,i want a go
  11. Welcome to the YOC speedie Blackhat the weather is shite here,,,,,,hope it keeps rainin for the week,,,,,,then it might dry up for the wekend
  12. Does that mean we wont see ya any more on here Jim ? Must have a look arround the site for the crack Best of luck Mervin
  13. Jaysus thats a rough doin you got. Hope you do a full recovery back to good health.
  14. Tip for ya ! When puttin on the new grips, clean and spray the bars with womens hair spray,,,,,,,,,,yes thats what i said hair spray. dony let your other half catch ya though This will firstly help the new grips slide on and then when left for a while it gets really sticky and the grips wont be moveing afterwards. Again hot water takes them off fairly handy in the future.
  15. 2 Wheels

    New Arrival

    Well thank ye all from meself an herself I suppose its role on the sleepless nighte now. Blackie,,,,,,,when you get over here i will be well ready ta get outa the house and get a blast of fresh air with ye along some of the roads.
  16. 2 Wheels

    New Arrival

    Tis a wee girl ! Both Mum and young en doing well and arrived home today. Just realising now that by the time im 50 i'll have ta start going ta disco's again,,,,,,,,,,thaught i had them days behind me Anyway all is doing grand
  17. Yep Haynes is the way to go if ya cut corners then ya will have to take carbs off again. so do it once and do it good
  18. Yes please,,,,,, i likes Jaffa's i do,,,,,,got any tea / coffey ? People wont boather to awnser if you dont boather to introduce yourself,,,,,,,,tis just the way it is ! I cant help ya with the water/hose pipe as i dont know your engine,,,,,,,,,but my DT 125 has two water hose pipes that go to the carb to help warm it up. One is a feed and the other is a return. Can you roughly guess where they might go by offering them up to different spigots (connections). Sometimes the length and shape of the hose can tell you where they MIGHT connect to. Hope This Helps. Member Kristin on this forum has a Aerox,,,,,,, send him a PM (Personal Message)
  19. Bloody good job there Tommy I likes that XT 500 ya have there
  20. No Intro = No awnser However mamber "Kristian" has/had an Aerox,,,,,,,,pm him
  21. No Intro = No awnsers
  22. Sounds good Mabey just a little slow to come down off the rev's. Other than that she is sweet
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