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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. 2 Wheels replied to marknir's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome sir, sounds like a good job ya got there Am new here 2 I think !!! I can't find the funny wee faces
  2. Maybe my DT125 aswell (blue) at squires. Great choice of bike blackhat
  3. 2 Wheels replied to Katie1's post in a topic in General
    You can play a lot faster now eh!!!
  4. Put me on the maybe list for now I missed last year,, I went in july to the FS1 meet instead as couldn't make squires How you all been ? A've been busy so not been on in a while !!
  5. 2 Wheels replied to neversaydie's post in a topic in General
    Happy Christmas to all at the YOC.
  6. 2 Wheels replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    Oooo sweet gaysus that was bad,,,,, wiell bad from theday on, i swear all never click wan a them links again
  7. 2 Wheels replied to slice's post in a topic in The Bar
    Best of luck with the bike, hope she's a good wan !! don't worry bout the wife,,,,,, its easier to get forgiveness than permission,,,,,, shell be grand after a while
  8. 2 Wheels replied to drewpy's post in a topic in General
    So they call them-selves,,,CanBrush,,,,,,,,,,,but there actually Spray paints
  9. What DT50 is saying is right,,,,,,,, but if you have the thermostat in and its working and the temp guage is in and working then your bike is fine. That's the way these bikes are.
  10. Perfect,,,,,,, when you start moving the air flows through the rad more cooling down the coolant/water. When you stop at light the temp rises a little. If temp guage ever starts to go above half way mark keep an eye on it and turn engine off if it gets near the top (ie. red hot mark)
  11. The book says 10w30 but I always put in 10w40 Have you tried adjusting cable up at handle bars.
  12. 2 Wheels replied to beef's post in a topic in General
    We also thing Foamy and Bippo might be having a forum love affair Foamy is like this And Bippo is like this Hope you return to 100 % fixed
  13. 2 Wheels replied to 2 Wheels's post in a topic in Projects
    The trouble with keeping it naked is,,,, I have no tank So if I cant find one that will come close to what I want then am going to make one to suit it
  14. 2 Wheels replied to 2 Wheels's post in a topic in Projects
    Sprayed some red round the rim then stuck the seat on. Put it on bike for a wee look
  15. 2 Wheels replied to 2 Wheels's post in a topic in Projects
    This is all I kept of her plastic,,,,,, she will be naked,,,,, if in some time I ever get to finish it. Sanded it down and primed it Then I painted the underside black
  16. Code should be under the seat somewhere, if still there, take seat off for a look,,,, mine is just wrote on a sticker that's stuck to the frame.
  17. Madrevs,,, your bike needs a good tidying, me-thinks Sit on bike and start her up, neutral gear, put down the side stand, clutch in and select 1st gear,,,,,,, The bike should stall straight away,,,if it doesn't then the neutral switch down at the side stand is fooked or disconnected. If the bike does stall then your wires to the bulb are goosed up,,,,,,,,,,,, I cant help with wires or electrical thingieeeeeees
  18. It is attached to everything,,,,,, ya have to take all the back plastic off that goes down round the rear wheel. With some messing round ya can get carb off without doing all that. Sometimes ya can just rotate the carb if your just working on the bottom of it,, eg floats or jets
  19. Yea, you can tax a cage for 3, 6, or 12 months. There just a shower of cnut's that don't like bikes on the roads,,,,,,,,,,, same as every country
  20. Don't forget to check these pipes are the correct way arround
  21. 2 Wheels replied to Ttaskmaster's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Just for the craic,,,,,, taught I would throw in the spec's for a YAM 600 versus the suz 1250
  22. 2 Wheels replied to Alex's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well done Tommy I didn't even know there was a draw taking place,,,,,, this one or the new lid one. what kinda lid did ya win
  23. Well mabey you don't have any problem at all. The rad pipes and rad it'self will always get a bit warm. The coolant in the engine is kept in the engine until it gets too hot, then the thermostat opens and lets the hot coolant out of engine into rad, the cooler water from the rad then goes into the engine and the process starts again. Sometimes the thermostat can get stuck,,,,, so by you putting it into a kettle might of freed it up, if your gasket is OK then put the thermostat back in. Anyway you said in your first post that the bike wasn't overheating so again mabey you have no problem at all. The pipe that goes to the carb is supposed to be warm,,,,,,, its a carb warmer pipe to help stop "carb iceing" there is another one that returns aswell. The pipes on the expansion bottle. Yes there are 2,,,, one is an overflow and the other should go to the top of the rad somewhere. The one on the bottom of the bottle should go to the rad,,,,,the overflow one should be the one that disappears back under the bike and tucks into the frame, this one is just open-ended. Mabey some one put your pipes on arseways on the expansion bottle. I haven't got my bike here at the min so am just going from memory but am pretty sure that's the way its all layed out. The expansion bottle will never get warm as its only a feed to top up the rad if it needs it,,,,,, different system to cars and other bigger bikes. Fix your temp guage in the dash and you will have no worries. These bikes run hotter than you think but on my guage it never reached the half way mark. ps, if you smell your bike getting hot or if the bike starts to stumble in anyway stop straight-away and let it cool down.
  24. We have no choice across the water here,,,,,,,, you have to tax bike for a full year
  25. They work by gravity,,,,,,, if you took your bike into space there would be no gravity to feed your carb with fuel and air