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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. But,,,but,,,,,who wants a tin can strapped to there bike. The pipes hang low down so that they draw moisture outa where they are comming from.
  2. What colour is the smoke? 2 stroke,,,,,,so ya have to clean the exhaust every now and then,,,,,gets oily after a while,,,,,,smoke clears when exhaust is hot. Could also be just smoke from condinsation lyin in pipe, clears when exhaust gets hot,,,,,this be normal. So what colour is the smoke ??
  3. Just cut them a bit shorter,,,,,they do seam a bit long. If your tying them up then make sure they dont kink Tell your son to grow another set of eyes,,,,,and of course to stay safe. Happy ridin there sonny boy
  4. He mean's, he doesnt know you or anything about you, so why should he / we help you !!! Post info on yourself in the new members section. The info you are after will be in your new manual, not many will know the answers off the top on there head.
  5. The front tyre you have will fit but the back will not
  6. Well the throttle should be fully open (as in held on fully) as he kickes her over. But thats good comression you have anyway. Over 120+psi is grand EDIT: change the plug back to 9, unless you live up on top of a very very high mountain.
  7. Well i did go here yesterday so here's a few pics for ye,,,,,,,,there from me fone so dont know how they'll turn out !! Not much to take photos of but the trip and scenery on way up there is lovely. The sign post An info map A viewing tower of some sort A look to the right,,,,down a cliff A look to the left A look straight ahead, North,,,,you can go no further One from the show on way home,,,,nearly all Harleys
  8. She's a fine lookin bike Paul. Ive never had a spin on a big single, well not that i can rem anyway. Is it me eyes or is the front tyre facing backwards
  9. Aye keep me posted. I had Blackhat up that way when he was here, nice area for the bikes
  10. Depends,,,,,,,,,if the bike was lying up for ages then no,,,,,,,,,,,better off ta strip and clean.
  11. Is that next friday Vic ? Gimmy a shout and ill see if im arround
  12. Some more friday tittys for ye
  13. Well am to the most northerly point of Ireland with 2 mates. Malin Head its called. Ive been close to it before but never actually up there. Then on way home im stopping off at a custom and clasic bike show. Stay there for a wee while then gander off home. Da weather is supposed to be nice so hopefully well have a good day.
  14. Howya Mike,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, off ya go an see the footie,,,,,,,then browse the sons pics,,,,,, pick out some good ones and post them up here. When did he do the tour ?
  15. What be wrong with "yello mellow"
  16. And the right errection direction is,,,,,,,,UP
  17. B) Whats happening lads an lassies ?????? What ye at this weekend with ur 2 wheeled power machines,,, eh!,,,,,,, come on now, some of ye must have something planned ?
  18. What a dick, that train nearly had him, I can smell his underpants from here the dirty barstwert
  19. Shur your grand with your wee Ped that ya have eh ! the one with the wee wheels
  20. Yep John,,,,,,,she is mooving along nicely,,,,,,,looking good
  21. Holy jeepers Paul,,,,,,,, you need a bigger shed now Nice bike m8 and the best of luck with her.
  22. Welcome Pat to the YOC My names Pat too by the way. Some people would give there left arm to have a XJ900,,,,,,,,,eh Barkwinjammer !!! There a fine bike,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so what trouble are you having ? Post in workshop.
  23. Welcome Dean to the YOC Best of luck with the bike Dude ! Now that you have it, dont go messin arround with everythink on it,,,,,,,,,, ok so you need grips, clutch cable and whatever small bits,,,,,,,,get them and leave it at that. Ride the bike for say 3 weeks,,,,,,,,see how it goes,,,,,,,,,then when you have more understanding of what you want outa the bike, get back to us. If after the 3 weeks you are going to be learning on it then you May need to do something with the Power Valve for the slow riding and less throttle positions. Get out and enjoy the think first,,,,,,,,,,,see how ya go,,,,,,,,,,,,,then you can tinker with things if needs be. B) Stay safe.
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