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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Mini Bike's frame and swingarm got de-greased this evening I'm pulling a mate up on a favor he owes me for a while now,,,,,he's gonna sandblast for me when he gets a chance,,,,Frame, Swingarm and wheels, and probably brake calipers later. As i wait for this to be done i can get on with other bits,,,,,(eg. stripping,cleaning) So far,, im enjoyin it,,,its been years since i done any restoration project on a bike.
  2. Bloody Ele,,,,,,,bikes are cheap over there. Great find
  3. Some more done ! Broke a stud takin off the rear sproket,,,,,,drilled it out,,,,,,,now cant find my stud extractor,,,,,no dout i've saved it somewhere special
  4. Wont work ! The stupid cunts see you,,,,,,look straight at you,,,,,,then pull out in front of you anyway......Cunts Money should be spent on training thick cunts to drive with awarness towards bikes,,,,,same as if we were a big Lorry
  5. Check all the earths Have you got a spark ? So when ya hit the start button there is no sounds of any sort ?
  6. Happy birthday to you,,,,,,, happy birthday to you,,,,happy birthday to Kishan,,,,,,happy birthday to you
  7. Neo,, I keep dam all spares,,,,,, i have the best little bike shop near me here,,,,whatever i want he gets and usually has it in 3 days. On the other hand, i dont throw anything away either,,, have loads of old parts,,,,keep them long enough and you will find a use for them some day. I know what ya mean though bout stocking parts that will be unavailable in years to come,,,,,, but like ya say, ya cant really have all the stock of an entire bike. Anyway there are some shit hot enginering places out there that if pushed or challanged (bet ya cant make this part for me) they should be able to remanufacture what were all needing. That be what i think anyway !!!
  8. The pic's are from me phone and they are taken in the conservatory under a shity bulb,,,,, it will continue like this too,,,,i filled my shed with "turff" and logs for the fire, after last years LONG cold spell i wasnt gonna be caught out again. So although the conservatory is a compleat mess at least im nice and warm while messing about with ( mini bike ) Kev,,I have no indicators to sort out
  9. Sure will Paul,,,,,, tis hard trying to get anything done on it in the evenings,,,,,the wee one takes up most of my time,,she's 6 months now. Havent a clue how to get video on here but mabey towards the end i will have learnt how by then !
  10. Front wheel stripped,,,,,,cleaned arround the bearings,,,,,,,ready to pop them out Back wheel
  11. Ive been following this thread,,,,,just never comented,,,,,but i will now. Nice Job On The Restore,,Weimie Squires eh! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Get her running sweet and serviced good and she will bring you there no boather. Like Paul said,,,,,, i came from Irleand on mine,,, not one prolem did i have,,,,apart from a sore arse and constantly waching the fuel level,,,,small tank for long trips. So for pure pleasure and enjoyment bring her to Squires with ya,,,,,,youll be glad ya did. Pat
  12. I have a left-hand screwdriver,,,,,,,,,,,, i use it with my right hand
  13. If ya let more air out the exhaust then ya have ta let more air into the engine. Prob need a bigger main jet,,,,,,then readjust the carb. Bike is prob running lean now.
  14. No no no I want to see it now, now, now Ha Ha Ha
  15. Cool Propper late 60's early 70's bike and gear. Good vid drewps
  16. I've decided am gonna do it all up,,,,give her a new lease of life,,,,,eh !!!
  17. Hey Jim, Glad your ok dude,,,,,text ya few times, me was worried bout ya man,,,,,,Really Sorry about your Mum,,,,,may she rest in peace. Keep the chin up though Jammer,,,,,life is short,,make the most of what we got,,breath in the fresh air and try to enjoy,,,, our number will be up before we know it too. Hope the new job goes well for ya mate. Till the next time i see ya (next year,,your home town) on me travles,, Best of luck to ya Pat
  18. :D Ridin down the road on the fazer with mini bike strapped on the back,,,,,,,,would be great crack flyin round the campsite on it though
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