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2 Wheels

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Everything posted by 2 Wheels

  1. Camped in Morvin Mountains,,,,, A939
  2. Somewhere from Wick to Brora,,,, nice roads Dornach Bridge towards Inverness Ske Resort on Carn Ealasaid Mountain,,,,,on the A939,,,,,this is another beauty of a place to ride, 43 deg steep climbs up an down the mountains. Same Ske Resort
  3. John O Groats,,,,,tourist car park and tourist wee shop John O Groats,,,,,the boat that leaves for the Orkney Islands John O Groats John O Groats Hohn O Groats,,,,,looking West
  4. 2 Wheels

    For sale

    If ya paint them with the mustard colour i might give ya 3000 grand for it Aye !!!
  5. From here we went to Ullapool, camped the nite,,,,next day on to Durness, thats the top left of Scotland,, no pics as we had rain that mornin for 2 hours or so. Bloody nothin up there anyway,,,,,,, no breakfast to be got or more importantly no fuel to be got !!! So we kept goin till the village of Tongue,,,, no fuel there either,,,, both our tanks gettin very low,,,,thankfully my bike will do 280 mills on 25 quid of fuel,,,,, we managed to syphin a litre of fuel outa mine an into John's bike to get us to the next village where we were promised there was fuel. So off we went to Bettyhill,,, free-wheeling down hills to try an get there. By the skin of our teath and no more we got there,,,,,,, the pressure was off now that we had full to the neck tanks of petrol. Next stop was John O Groats. Pic's 2 moro evenin
  6. Rd to Shieldaig Village Rd to Shieldaig Village Bridge towards Kinlochewe Village Loch's towards Kinlochewe Village
  7. Hills and Vallys on rd to Applecross Hills and Vallys on rd to Applecross Hills and Vallys on rd to Applecross Applecross Town and Bay Applecross
  8. Glen Sheil Vally to isl of Skye Lochcarron rd to Applecross Hills and Vallys on rd to Applecross,,,,,bloody lovely in real life,,,,,a must see for everyone Hills and Vallys on rd to Applecross Hills and Vallys on rd to Applecross
  9. Sgorr Dhearg Mountain,,,1024 meters above sea level Bellachulish Bridge Roy Bridge Campsite Roy Bridge Campsite
  10. This is takin forever so ill do the rest 2moro
  11. Loch Awe Village, view of rd,,, old road aparently fell into lake so they built this new one out on pillers Oban Town Oban Bay Oban Bay Boats
  12. Inveraray Bay Vally and Loch Awe Steps up for a piss Rail ling runs along side rd to LochAwe Village
  13. Vally on rd to Inveraray Inveraray Castle,,, i wouldnt pay 10 quid to go in so took pic from outside ! Inveraray Bay Inveraray car park Inveraray Town
  14. Well,,,me an John spent last weekend tourin round Scotland. Up the West coast,,,,Accross the Top,,,,Down the East coast. 1248 miles in total,,,,,, milage isnt that big i suppose but thats because it takes time to do this route. Ya cant just fly along from one town to the other,,,, the roads dont let ya. We were sittin on the bikes for 9 an 10 hours a day,,,by the end of it all we were both feelin the pain. We had a good aul time doin what bikers do best ! Here's some pic's for ye. Loch Lomond Loch Lomond Tarbet hotel on loch lomond Loch Lomond Loch Lomond Loads more on the way,,,,, providing photobucket speeds the fuck up !!!
  15. 2 Wheels


    Merv :photo2:
  16. 2 Wheels

    The damn rain

    Jeepers Tasky,,,,, i must be a great rider all-togeather,,,,,, or else i might just be very very lucky. Only messin !!! Yesterday i had a 150mile ride,,,,, rain, wind, patches of heavy fog and the last 1/2 hour it was dark. Glare on visor from lights, visor steaming up when i cough, rain on inside of visor from being slightly open,,,,,, jaysus it was fun i tell ya. Got home at 10.45pm Done the journey in 1h.40min Was very glad to be home in one piece to a nice warm house ! Surley we diserve some nice weather,,, r do we have ta wait till september
  17. Very nice Graham. There nice an comfy, I know a few lads that has them. The V Storm 1000 is supposed to be crap compared to the 650. Best of luck with her.
  18. 2 Wheels

    The damn rain

    Come and ride in IRL,,,, then youll know what rain is. Tyres on a bike last a longish time as they never hit the road,,,,, your always aquaplaining along the top of the water. When putting on the throttle,,,, you have 2 choice's 1) throttle really hard so tyre cuts through the water and grips the road. 2) throttle really easy so tyre doesnt slip and you fall over. Choice no1 is only for the very brave but it actually works great.
  19. Hey Kearnsy,, i answered your other post,,, hope im not too late ! I would NOT go to bikeworld. Cityspares is okish. €240 or 250 is about normal. That lad i said in other post is in meath,,,not far from you. If he has a kit there, he will not charge you for buying it, just for the labour of putting it on. You get propper cert also. When your restriction is over,,,,,, you go back to him, he takes it off and you give it back to him for someone elses bike.
  20. Pictures,,,,,,, open a photobucket account,,,,,, load your pics in there,,,,,,,, copy the "IMG" code,,,,,, then paste it into here. I know Kildare well,,,,,, specially Killculan. For a restriction kit,,,,,,, ring this lad,,,,, he answers to the nick name of "Chopper",,,,,,,, TEL: 086 8809098 ,,,,,,he will sort ya if he has one Sorry didnt answer ya earlier,,, i was busy !
  21. Hope ya had good time Blackie. Id love a go on race track, i've never been on one even thow there's a few around here. Some power in them bikes if ya let the revs go high eh!!!
  22. Well sir,,,,best of luck with her. If ya need a restriction kit for it,,, i know a lad down the country that does second hand ones. So ya dont pay for the kit just whatever he chaarges to fit it,,,,and he's very reasonable,,,,, he's a propper garage so youll get cert and whatever else goes with these things. I've never had a bike restricted so i dont know the details of what insurance company's want. If ya want his number let me know on here. Where in the country are ya? For pictures see the FAQ section in new members. I'd like ta see the bike please.
  23. Bucket of water and a rag,,,,,,,once a month if its lucky
  24. Not that causious then eh!! Can ya bring a mate,,,as 2 sets of eyes are better than 1. He may see something you miss. So far she sounds a good bike
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