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Everything posted by jim1

  1. jim1 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi there After finding and keeping an eye on the rapidly incresing play in the bering that holedes the rising rate link to the swing arm on my 02plate xt600e. it was soon time to do some thing about this so i orded the two new insertes and a bolt in case at the time not realising that this all ran on a plane bering driled for gresae. sine removing and striping the link the bolt is badely worn and scored. the worest part seames to be that most of this were has come from a large burr from some ham fisted jap. has any one eless found any thing eles like this that is best delt with now. and if you do have to buy anything like this take a good look at it first. jim
  2. jim1 replied to jim1's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi there yes this did hapen along with it doing nothing then starting to work fine then stiking on and finaly nothing at all. I o not know what casued this but the solinoid from a Honda I fitted after 2 yam ones fuckup. I checked le electrical sustem twice and could find nothing wrong but the solinoid. I even load tested the starter motor twice i do not know what amps it should take but mine only took around 20A. if you find any test dater that might be of help pleace let me know and i will do the same. jim
  3. jim1 replied to XT Alan's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi ther I have a 02 XT600e and have all the problems you have discibed and the rest i whent though 2 yamaha starter solinodes after much discuthion with my les than helpfull deler. i found the fix was a solinoed of a 1981 honda cm125. i had it lying around as a spare i had repard it befor and new it to be good. so far it has worked fine. you can buy a derect replacement solinoid for as littel as £15.00 i had that one and it workes fine now for 2000m. but i wish the fucking thing had a kick starter!. jim
  4. jim1 replied to FZ6er's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi there i have had this problem in the past. what you need is a two pin conector some wire and two terminals bolt the terminals on to the batery run the cabel to were you can get at them and when the need arises just plug the charger in. i have the same plug on all the bikes and the male end on the charger. this means if i take a bike that has not been out for a wile i just plug it in the nith befor and the next day just un plug it and ride of not having to put the bike together this has been hande when it wount start in the morning and i dount have time to pull it to bits. i hope that is of help to you you can by every thing you need from a good auto factors. jim
  5. jim1 replied to burtboy69's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi im surpriesd that you have not had any replys. if you still have not done your forks yet dont get to flusted as ther all about the same. well the principel is any way. with the forkes of the bike dain the old oil check how much comes out particuly if you do not know how much to put in. seperat the stanchen from the leg normaly a femal hex bolt on the botom of the fork leg. once you got the legs of the seal is the same as any to replace. just be shure its sat squreley and not broke befor you put the stanthion back on. then fill with your new oil a sergical suringe with a pice of pipe on is handy to get the oil level balenced. I will point out i have never done a any thing on the r1 but have done thousnds of oil seals in my time on all sorts of forks and rams. and would not think twice about doing this job i would hate to know the cost of this job in a shop. good luck jim
  6. jim1 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi has anyone els had any trobul with a starter solinoed or realy. on a 02 plate or cloes to xt600e. as i had to fit one of a 22year old 125 honda thats working fine for now. any one know wye the yam ones are not working. jim
  7. jim1 replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    hi yes ive spent 3 days blasting around on a ccm 644 there awsome but dont bother tring to go down the dual carridge way! you mus get a go on one.
  8. jim1 replied to XT Alan's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi there a time old debate. I have found the XT600 to be one of the best dirt bikes for the road that is if you do atualy wont to get it dirty at some piont. the problem is its a simpel bike cheply made from cheap materials but that is why i like it. For road use you need good tyers on balenced rims hevy bar waights and a larger front screan. alot like any bike then. After climbing and desending a larg mountain and blasting down the fire roads to get on some sort of serfaced road the fact that it will atuall sit at 75-80mph is more than you can expect on the way home from work one thersday night. show me a road bike that will do that. one thing i wont miss is a bad back and crampt legs.
  9. jim1 posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    hi still having problems with startert solinoid. any info on the elctocal system on a 02 XT600E would helpful as so far no one has come yp with any kind of a thork as to wy they are braking it has been sugested that it may be over charging and so a generater fault. i dont se how this would have sauth a afect. If anyone knows any more about this sort of thing or some one els that migth have any ideas could they let me know.
  10. jim1 posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi there ive had some bother wit the starter relay or solonoid as you prefer. Two have failed in the space of a month the bike has only coverd 5800m from new. when the first went i thort one of thoes thing and as i could not find anything els at fault bit the bulet and fited a new one that only lasted 4 days. Has any one got any thorts and or some test dater i can comper with. Its my first yam and is a fantastic bike but so sone on in my ownership its tanted the plusure some whot. Any help would be good. Thankyou