Everything posted by Tom Clare
xvs 125 stopped in mid flight!
thankyou all for your kind replies. i bought a multimeter. 12v when ignition on, 14 when started....so i think it looks ok and was just battery. Thanks for all your help. Tom
xvs 125 stopped in mid flight!
Hi thanks for your support, just sent u an IM. Tom
xvs 125 stopped in mid flight!
Hi dan thanks for the reply. I have the 125 not 250. I am watching a service manual on ebay, as i dont have one and i intend to go to maplins to grab a multimeter today. how i do no when i have reached 5,000 revs? no techometer
xvs 125 stopped in mid flight!
Hi all, hope you are well. I am an all-weather rider, and have been used to riding with headlight on no matter what, but a couple of months ago bike rugularly struggled to start while headlights switch was on...after switching all electrics off and trying again it would find it easier to start but still not how it used to be. i had a new battery put on may 2010. a week ago, i noticed that when i was stationary at a junction ticking over with indicator on, it would play havvock not flashing in time and going mega fast. Strange?! THEN 2 days ago 16 miles from home with a full tank while riding she was slowing down, revs the lot. after pulling over i managed to keep her going for 30secs then cut out, not even ignition - or power for the horn! (leaving me to push her up a rather nice hill ) called AA, i insisted on a motorbike van, but they were tied up in london and i was in Wing, near stewkley! so i got an old boy kitted out for a car. After waiting 3 hours id already taken battery panel off. He turned up, connected jump pack, and wahhhey! Ignition and started 1st time. Waiting 10mins, took off n she cut out. hmmmm. using a volt meter saw only 6 going thru it without jump pack. i then got recovered to home. surely this would be a charging problem? Yesterday i bought new battery n fitted it. Works fine, but i want peace of mind that there isnt a charging prob. my garage have said that without a volt meter i could try starting engine keeping ticking over, headlights on and as i rev headlight will appear brighter if bike is charging battery. to be honest, in my opinion nothing changed. Does anyone have any advice or been through this? if i buy a volt meter im presuming that it should be 12 after starting and 12 before? would that prove everything ok? Many Thanks, Tom
xvs sidelights issue
hi guys, on my xvs, sidelights dont appear to come on front or rear, although dipped and full beam work and the brakelight comes on when either brake is engaged. and the speedo lights up fine...any ideas? common problem? THX!
Dragstar 125...is it a deal?
Well, local dealership that the bike was bought from say they dont keep key codes, and said my only option is to splash out £180 for a new lock set! eep! so, yes, I will try and remove the lock barrel in the next few days, and try and find a descent lockie. No idea how i'm going to go about it, anyone have a hayes? lol! I'll try asking my mechanic friend to come down with me. Will keep you guys posted,thx for all of your help. Ttaskmaster - I'll try find an independant chap who can cut it, if not, I'll have to rely on your experteese to see if u know one! Thanks once again guys. Tom
125 dragstar? Vivargo? xvs?
quick question, im seeing people advertise for virago's, XVS & Dragstars in the yamaha range, are they the same vehicle just known differently? simple question, i know, but I'm getting confused! Thanks in advance!
Dragstar 125...is it a deal?
ok, the legalities seem to be in hand, all the posesions went through the court and landlords had permission to sell everything on as the owners. it was a woodwork firm that went under, and the 2 senior guys there did a runner, the property they occupied was left empty too. so, i've been assured today that the legal side of things are fine. how easy is it to remove the lock barrel from the bike to find the key number on it? is it def on it? (someone may know) also seen a lock set on ebay for it, which is ignition, petrol cap and side panel. can the petrol cap and ignition actually be removed without the key? has anyone here ever stripped locks out of this model before? the steering lock is not on. I know this information may be seen as something of a sensitive nature, so could someone PM me if you know? Brakes, well, when i moved the bike they seemed to be sticking (seemed like the back drum) as she was squeeking slightly when i pulled her back. I'd obviously give her a full service with my motorbike chap, but would really like to get her on the road. cant check the engine condition tho til i can get the ignition sorted
Dragstar 125...is it a deal?
Hey Guys, right, Let me give you the low down. Recently i had my yammy ybr 125 nicked from my girlfriends, insurance have agreed to pay out, and i've really taken a fancy to a dragstar I've seen. And here's the story of the bike: 51 plate, black, 14,000 miles on the clock, small 'dink' (i mean very small dent in tank, half the size of the nail on your thumb) small amount of rust/corrosion on rims and metal plate under headlight. Otherwise cosmetically fine. the major issue with it is this: the last guy who owned it rented out a workshop on a buisness park, couldnt pay the rent on the unit and fled leaving alot of belongings behind, the lil dragtar being one. since then the landlord has registered the bike in his name and has the logbook back from dvla, and wants to sell it. the main prob is tht he has no keys for the bike! so if i'd want to buy it (He wants £800) i'd have to get tht prob resolved. Emailed yamaha, and they have confirmed the dealership bought from, so i've emailed them with the frame no and reg asking if there is any chance tht they have details on file of key numbers so i can get them cut. Otherwise is it quite hard to get a whle new lock set supplied and fitted? anyone have any idea on price? obviously though, i cant "try" before i buy as such, although ofcourse should i resolve the key problem i'd arrange a good service for it. £800, worth the risk? deff fallen in love with this model! landlord deals in cars, and not interested in bike. he said if it comes to him sorting out locks/mots etc on the lil bike he'll be looking for 1500ish but doesnt have the time for mucking about with it...i know him personally so i know he's not trying to have me over, but im not sure tht getting a lock set supplied n fitted is gunna be cheap!