I've been looking at getting an MT-01, after all... it LOOKS and SOUNDS fantastic!!!
I ended up taking a demo out (with stage 1 exhaust upgrade).
My first impression of the massive throbbing V-twin was similiar to riding a cattle grid! (fun at first). Also, the torque was emense, to the point i was gripping on with my knees to rest my wrists as i attempted to 'gently' ride through stationary traffic (wasn't til i remebered I had a clutch, which again was quite an odd sensation, but the only way to stop to popping-engine-lunge).
The ride lasted 20-30mins and by the end of it, I was a little concerned about my internal organs (i rode moto-x up til my mid-twenties and was temped to grab my kidney belt for further rides ), although i did feel that i was starting to 'understand' the bike and how it needed to be ridden (rev range-for comfort / clutch control).
As far as i can work out, these seem to have the fuel economy of a car? can anyone confirm this?
I also phoned a few dealers -(market research shall we say) in view of selling a mock standard (no akrapovic exhaust) October 2005 (55) MT01 with 150miles on the clock. The response I recieved was that they're not selling all that well, so only a handful were even interested in buying back, for a starting price of £5,000!!! maxing out to below £6,000!!!!! (OUCH!)
Has anyone experienced the STAGE 2 or STAGE 3 kits on these monsters?? they are classed: 'for track use only', are they worth looking into? comfortable to ride?