Everything posted by ddrdsm
Hi Everyone Bought a TW 125 which had an Arrow XT600E 95/01 silencer fitted. The owner had also cut a hole in the air-filter plastic cover and fitted a foam filter. The original air filter was still in situ but the bike ran like a dog when looking for revs. I removed the original air filter and fitted a protective filter to the top of the snorkel. I also disconnected the crankcase breather from the air box. Question is - As I've not had the bike from new and not made the silencer change I'm not sure if the fitting of the Arrow silencer has really made any diff to the bike's overall performance and I'm concerned that with running lean it may suffer from premature engine damage. Any thoughts anyone?
*Yamaha TZR 50 - Speedo Problems*
*Yamaha TZR 50 - Speedo Problems*
Hi you have to remove the multi-plug from the back of the speedo unit and cut and insulate the pink & white wire, this will stop the de-restriction on the speedo.
*Yamaha TZR 50 - Speedo Problems*
bodgeing up a rusty exhaust
One question - how big is the hole (diameter not depth) cos one of the best and most inexpensive ways to plug & seal a leaky exhaust is the metal putty by pattex which you can by at any hardware store. Apply when cold and let it set - easy, effective (& cheap)
Dreaded snapped stud SR 125 exhaust
Hi Again Don't tink it will snap - more likely the stud will wear which means you no worse off - try soaking in Plus Gas overnight.
Dreaded snapped stud SR 125 exhaust
Hi Another solution would be to drill the stud as described but try a reverse thread stud extractor first - normally as the extractor gets a grip it will start to turn the stud as it's taper increases in the drilled hole. Worth a try - eliminates staged drilling and re-tapping etc.
yamaha tzr50
Can anyone out there help me - Please!! Digital Speedo & Odo on my Yamaha TZR 50 has stopped working - I've checked the wiring and connections which seem ok - any ideas anyone? Also - doesn't want to idle unless on 1/2 choke - any thoghts would be welcome
*Yamaha TZR 50 - Speedo Problems*
Hi Did u ever get this problem sorted as I've got the same with the TZR 50? If it's fixed - what was the problem
*Yamaha TZR 50 - Speedo Problems*