Everything posted by FZR AL
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
just ride into sherburn there's a co-op on the left ,free cash machine ,been a tight yorkshire man theres no way i would be taking my own cash out of a ATM and pay for the privledge (dont get me started)Oh and while your there get fuelled up if your going on the rideout my triple drinks petrol for fun,
1974 RD200A Electrical Issue
I maybe wrong but i thought the A model was 1972-73 , anyway 20amp is correct for the bike , its sounds like its earthing out somewhere ,check your connectors they will probally be all fusty ,so its a good place to start with cleaning them the bike should have a 20amp fuse near the battery have you checked the wattage of the bulbs make sure they are correct , if you are trying to start it and the wattage is too high and you have the lights switched on it could be the problem, heres a link to the 200a wiring diagram which you can down load, 200a diagram cheers Al
whats it worth ??
photos would be good?
2-Stroke meet - Squires cafe
I will be there , I am not stay over though it only 30 miles for me , look out for a purple KH400 its the only 2 stroke i have, it will be nice to have a chin wag with you guys cheers Al
Had enough!!! grrr
Could you not hook up a mini fuel tank, with an old emergency fuel carriers, do a direct link to the carbs, and give it a try then you would know if its fuel delivery or not , could be that there crap in the fuel tap or the tank it self.
Decent off -Just back from hospital
I would go the next stage , looking the photos the road looks pretty clean apart from when you exit the bend where you came off , the road has been white lined again so it some time ago when it was re surfaced, it does look a piss poor job though ,the loose shingle is supposed to be road sweepered? go to the citzen's advice first before paying out for a solicitor
Fazer 600 fzs 58 plate
yep an old coat hanger some old wire, just to hold it out off the way , other wise you cant get to hte middle plugs
Fazer 600 fzs 58 plate
ngk CR9E or CR8E, the haynes is correct take the fairings off, and drop the radiator of the brackets, you dont have to take the radiator fully off you can get some wire and hang it some where out of the way , the plugs are deep set , before removing get an hairdryer (dont tell the mrs) and blow cold air where the old plugs are this will shift any loose dust or dirt that might fall in to plug holes when removing , then carefully remove, while the fairing off you might as well go the whole hog and drop the oil and replace the coolant then your all set to go
xt 250..that starts great first time but wont start hot!!
could be the coil breaking down under load , have you a multi meter to check everything through, or high speed windings
Decent off -Just back from hospital
Glad your ok and on the mend , I just saw a neighbour yesterday who was on crutches , same thing happened to him last week in york on a small roundabout where again there was gravel which the council had not swept up, he hit the front brake and it just went , he has taken photos and a woman walking her dog told him that she had reported it to the council as cyclists (there tons of them in york) had come a cropper on the roundabout. get some photos pretty quick , of the road, your bike , your clothing ,helmet, and any injurys you have , the council will try and worm out of it at first if you just go,so get a solicitor theres plenty of these no win no fees, good look
electrics dead
double check your earths again,if you have a new battery and you have checked the amps and all is ok , its got to be and earth or a fuse , one question though why did you change coils ,reg/rec, ign switch, if was running the previous year , i would have just stuck a new battery first? double check the ign switch you may have pulled a wire , use your multi meter and check you have current running to all what you have replaced does anything light up at all lights indicators idiot lights,etc cheers Al
my fzr 400
Here is a link to the FZR online basic upgrades, which may be useful My linkhttp://fzronline.com/wiki/doku.php#basic_upgrades
fazer running problem
make sure the inlet rubbers are properly seated , it may be sucking to much air in the carbs, or you amy need to re-balance the carbs it does not sound to be anthing major , just double check everything you have changed , was the bike runing ok before you bought it
my fzr 400
bargain got to agree with that, great bike the FZR from the 400 to the 1000, i know as i have the 600
BMW car drivers
think i better stay out of this one , but im middle management wear a suit to work and drive a 5 series beemer,never drive with the daylight running lights on, but been a biker i am always looking out for bikes and pull slightly left to help them get passed always get a thumbs up , for me when im out on my bike its the white van man chatting to his mate, on the phone , or eating his big mac. its not all white van men though some are really good i suppose im contradicting myself now , it's just some drivers just havent got a clue.
module 2
Bad luck freidegg, but dont worry about about canceling your indicators next time,you will be checking them after every move on your next test , it will be impregnated in your brain try to relax, (easier said then done) some very good points from gas up, just get back in for it as soon as poss and enjoy it but try and anticipate what direction the examiner will take you, so you can think ahead before he tells you write down all the things you need to do to make a left turn ,right turn, roundabout and exit, basicially all the things on the test , then when the examiner says make a right turn mentally go through your check list. tell yourself you will pass the test and you will good luck Al
fz600 1987
dave have you a photo of the pipes in question cheers Al
1986 fz600
just read your post again its a fz600 not a fzr600 so its a gravity fed bike Well if there's no fuel in the line and it's set to on or res then it could cause the engine to not start.. no fuel already there to start the engine means no vacuum to let more fuel flow down right? set it to prime (pointing to the back of the bike I believe), let it sit for a few seconds and try to start it in that position. If it fires up, set it back to "on". If it dies again then you know you have an issue with the vacuum, be it the carb, vacuum line, or inside the feul tap. If it keeps running then you should be good to just leave it set to "on", even when the bike isn't running - Lack of vacuum automatically closes the flow of the fuel. install a clear fuel filter in your line where you can see it (no lower fairings) to see if there's fuel there or not. Takes a bit of the guesswork out of it. Anyways I'd say start with the fuel tap and make sure you're getting a good supply of clean fuel, before we worry about the other stuff cheers al
1986 fz600
is your fuel pump working , remember the fuel tank is lower than the carbs on the fzrs so the pump needs to be working check the fuses , spray some easy start directly into the carbs when trying to crank,if its cough and splutters or starts you no its the pump cheers Al
Big Bike snobbery
A bike is a bike to me, big or small, yamaha, kawasaki, suzuki, honda what ever they are all bikes, dont let it get to you mate , the power ranges fly passed me when I'm on my Kh400 triple but the last laugh is when you pull into your local bike haunt , and they are all there reving the nuts off their new R6s R1s fireblade etc i roll in behind and you can guarantee that they will be people who are sat down get up and come across and chat while the pocket rockets dont get a look in ,dont get me wrong im not against the pocket rockets I love my old FZR600 3he and i suppose she is an early pocket rocket , dont forget we are a biking fraternity ,I will give the bikers nod to all type of bikers, I look at it like this if i were to breakdown and a guy passing on a bike remembers me on the bike nodding to him he is more likely to stop and give me a hand ,. keep going to the local you'll get the last laugh when he's fried his clutch toot your horn and wave
Yes/No on buying a 94 Virago 535?
not my bag , but my uncle is a rep for the virago club, he is always going on about the starter clutch which is a problem with the virago,i think theres a mod you can do low seat height so its ideal for you at 5'3 small fuel tank though , and make sure you have plenty of chrome cleaner get a test ride if possible, on has many bikes as you can, but dont rush into getting a bike , it will be a bad mistake for you buy it then find something that really suits you later cheers al
happybirthday drewpy
Happy birthday drewps hope you have had a good one
Mal in lancaster is your man, will do aerosol for you as well Mhttp://www.bikecolours.com/y link
MY RD 500 's
stunning bikes you got there, but i prefer the faired version, both are very very nice though
Great looking bike you got there, four stroke are nice , but theres nothing better than a 2 stroke on song, the sound, the smell and the bit you cant see is the grin factor of the rider, that's some bike, never ever sell it because you will regret it if you do, it must have cost you a few pounds but well worth it has these bikes are iconic.