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Everything posted by FZR AL

  1. FZR AL replied to andymeddick's post in a topic in The Bar
    have you recently serviced the bike oil, water etc check your water level, does the smoke smell sweet? or a petrol smell,white smoke tends to be water /condensation, also check your air box is there any oil in there? cheers Al
  2. FZR AL replied to hebrew hammer's post in a topic in Classics
    If you pull the idiot light (turning signal) on the instrument panel , do the indicators flash, if they do You could rewire the idiot light circuit adding a ground wire and a couple of diodes, im no sparky but I remember this from another forum where a guy had the simular problems I just checked the other forum and they used 2 -1N1004 diodes cheers Al
  3. well the sun is out today, and i have been meaning to stick the battery on the FZR600 3he, but todays the day i have had the battery in the cellar on a optimate but just to be sure i put the meters on 12.45v great stuff, the bikes been laid up for 6 months i popped the battery in turned the key, neutral light on and i could hear the pump whizzing away, full choke, hit the start button and she churned away after about the 5th attempt i realised i had forgotten to turn the fuel tap on Doh!!!, yes i know i always forget , 2 hits of the button and bang she burst into life. a quick look around brake check , lights, indicators tyre pressures (not lost a lb in pressure )left her to warm up just enough to get my leathers and lid and im away just done a little 5 mile jaunt to blow the cobwebs away,no problems at all. called in at the petrol station on the way back to fill her up already for the weekend. who says yams are crap at starting
  4. sounds like sticking rings ,do what oldgitonabike says to restore compression and it may fire up , but if it happens again it could be the head and barrel of for futher inspection
  5. FZR AL replied to ShoKz's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    thats a really nice looking bike , and I will go along with everyone else on the colours Great
  6. it will probally be the jets that need unblocking, if the carbs have had 6 year old fuel in in will be like jelly strip the carbs and then fresh fuel then take it for a spin up the road and back and see what it like
  7. FZR AL replied to danlee1985's post in a topic in Naked
    if the battery is fully charged and it sparking its got to be fuel related ,any more info you can give us is it trying to start cough splutter,etc
  8. unfortunatley Kishan is right , keep a look out on ebay or gumtree which seems to be a favourite for dodgy bits , that long range tank should stand out if its been stripped . lets hope it just kids who will dump it when they get fed up of it hope you get it back As for graeme you are knob cheers Al
  9. had the same problem with my FZR600 3HE , i took all the burrs of the clutch basket put it all back together ,and it was still the same , so i put a new cable on and its fine , im not saying it is your cable but its worth giving it a shot, it could be bent pushrod or you have lost the steel ball which goes at the end of the transmission main shaft found this if its any good My link cheers Al
  10. FZR AL replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Just had a thought you say the guy you bought it off put on a different carb (new) Im not up on these bikes but is there not some kind of restrictor is it in the carb ???? if so you might have a restricted carb ??? that why its is not pulling properly , think it definatley carb now after you have given us more info tell me to shut up if i am wrong , but here is another carb on evil bay if you fancy it My link
  11. FZR AL replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    sound like carb related problems maybe worth getting a carb repair kit I think they are round about £12.00 /£15.00 on evil bay or a second hand carb to try first before looking at coil etc , is it ticking over ok when started, not familar with your bike but is your battery fully charged my KH400 runs crap if the battery is not fully charged it will cough and splutter and drop down on to 2 cylinders then back on to 3 it obviously been rejetted if the baffles have been taken out , but the coil could be breaking down under load have you any spares you can chop and change Ps i dont think you have mentioned what CC this is where about in leeds are you i may be able to pop over cheers Al
  12. FZR AL replied to dan28's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    get your baffles back in first before making any carb adjustmnts, with the baffles out the engine will breath differently (running rich) which is making the crackles and bangs
  13. FZR AL replied to chunk's post in a topic in The Bar
    welcome from me too Chunk, cheers Al
  14. FZR AL replied to yambo's post in a topic in Naked
    oops sorry try this //"]http://yorkshirestrokers.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=register
  15. FZR AL replied to hebrew hammer's post in a topic in Classics
    Hi Pulled this off another site for an xs400se, sorry it in german but you get the drift hope it of helps cheers Al
  16. FZR AL replied to yambo's post in a topic in Naked
    try here big 2 stroke yammy forum bridlad will sort you out My link
  17. glad you got it sorted catteenie, ride safe
  18. FZR AL replied to CORRIEBOY's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    yeah , i like the red
  19. FZR AL replied to sathiya's post in a topic in General
    you need to test ride both of them , and see which you prefer and are most comfortable on fazer for me though
  20. Prime , is it trying to start (pops bangs)etc charge that battery up first
  21. i know it sounds stupid but have you put the fuel tap on to the on position , i have done it myself gone to start the bike pulled the choke on hit the button nothing then you think UGHHHHH fuel tap , pull the fuel line off the carb and make sure petrol is coming through then do as oldgitonabike says
  22. FZR AL replied to reddwarfxjr's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Wow that's some mileage, and trouble free,the bike still looks presentable , here's to the next 100,000 oh and welcome
  23. sorry to barge in on this but does the float valve needle move up and down , it may be stuck so not allowing the petrol to flow though you have not bent the tang on the float its self have you sounds like it fuel starvation to me like oldgitonabike says
  24. FZR AL replied to Collie's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I thought it was to do with the ratings on the bulb , like if you put a 12v bulb into a 6v it will just glow dim, as it there is not enough juice same goes for the wattage as well, if you put a 45w into a 35w rated again this will affect the the working of the indicators check the ratings for your bike Cheers Al
  25. FZR AL replied to thehortic's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nah you need the valve it will be gutless without it.