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  1. monkeyhanger posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi folks, quite new to the owners club, as you can see from my user name I am from Hartlepool, I am using a 1989 xj600 pre diversion comuting 80-100 miles per day and have used the bike in all weathers with out fault the bike show nearly 70,000 of which i have done 40,000+ in the last 3 years. Last month it lost cylinders 1 and 4 having investigated the ignition system the fault was traced to the ignitor unit,could not get one from any dismantlers and yamaha wanted £500 for a replacement.So decided toopen cdi unit found two transistors in aluminium heat sinks, using a basic multimeter found one was showing no readings.Using the numbers on the transistors I found an equivalent in the CPC catalogue (www.cpc.co.uk) their code SC06850. iT IS A DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR BDW42G cost 76p plus postage plus VAT I bought 3 for less than a tenner including postage A little bit of soldering and Iam fully mobile again Hope this helps somebody The Monkeyhanger
  2. Help, can any body suggest where I can get a set of inlet rubbers for a 1989 xj600? Tried find a part, and all my local breakers nothing Yamaha want £230 for a set!!! Wemoto want £102 a set Will the rubbers from another model fit? As a tempory fix I have superglued rubber inner tubes around them to seal them but don't how long it will last ? Thanks Tony
  3. monkeyhanger posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi folks just come back to motorcycling after 15year break. Iam running a 1989 xj600 pre diversion it has been running fine until i got some dirty fuel (water and sludge)I have cleaned the carbs down now the bike will not idle runs fine when reved but is blowing petrol back into air filter. petrol appears to be a browny colour looks like oil mixed with the petrol? where do i start is it the carbs or engine problem. Petrol tank has been emptied and flushed out with clean petrol inline filter fitted