Everything posted by crispytw
tw125 black spark plug
cheers,ill try it
2 or 4 stroke?
im just guessing but i have reson to believe that its a 4 stroke.
tw125 black spark plug
i have a yamahatw and i have cleaned the carburettor and the air filter but the spark plug still goes black. And it uses alot of fuel it was fuel to the brim i have done 11miles on it and it is have empty. How can i stop it from doing this.
oil leak xj900sdiversion
sorry bungy about my reply what i meant was why dont you take it to your local garage and ask them to fix it. crispytw
yamaha tw125 electric starting problems
cheers mate, ill try it
yamaha tw125 electric starting problems
hi, i have just bought a yamaha tw125. i have noticed that it does not have a kick start, and when the engine is cold the electric starter will not start the engine it just sits there turning the engine over and uses all the battery life so every time when it is cold i have to bump start it. But when it has been bump started and it has been used after a while the electric starter will start the engine but when it has been left over night in the morning when i come to use it will not start with the electric starter. so does any one know how to fix it. thanks crispytw
oil leak xj900sdiversion
why dont you fix it then
starter problem
i own a yamaha tw125 and it does the same thing and i bump start it and it will start with the elec start after that untill you leave it over night and then you have to bump start it again in the morning.