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  1. cloudy replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  2. cloudy replied to cloudy's post in a topic in General
    Lol im not sure it was QUITE that bad. Although the weather was definitely tropical shall we say. We do tend to get more sun in winter than we do in summer though.
  3. cloudy replied to waynemorris's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    if youre doing work that serious, and your exup valve isnt working, maybe you'd be just as well getting stainless downpipes. id imagine they'd be the most likely exhaust system to give you a bit more beans in the high revs. personally id stick to the exup valve, bike doesnt run too well in the low revs without it. thats what its for, smooth power delivery.
  4. cloudy replied to cloudy's post in a topic in General
    cheers for the welcome folks, everyone seems pretty sound on here, also ive removed the wants from the post drewps, sorry about that :-) also, tha' math ri fhaicinn cuidegan eile leis a ghailig barkwindjammer,
  5. cloudy posted a post in a topic in General
    Got my licence earlier this year after 2 years on a CBT. Shortly after got myself a '94 FZR400 3TJ, and I love it. Packs a decent punch and its light enough to throw around, think its the best bike I coulda chosen to build up my confidence on. when I got it I took the engine out and rebuilt it which made a big difference, although the difference may have a lot to do with the ridiculous length of time i spent cleaning the carbs. unfortunately it has recently blown the exhaust, so I've decided its time to tuck it away for the winter in the garage, but i intend on spending quite a bit of money on it in that time. anyway thought id introduce myself, so... hello, my name is Cloudy.