Chains - Guidance Please
Hi cynic. Thanks for yr reply. What about the chain guide? The chain will need to be fed through that as it's a solid tunnnel?
Chains - Guidance Please
Hiya all.... For fear of asking a silly question, it is a Friday after all so will ask it any ways... I'm an XT125 owner (nearly)..... which means i've now managed to rebuild my box of bits into something that resembles an XT and the machine burst into life last weekend when power was applied....so now its a case of fitting the last few bits.... one of which is the chain/sprokets... I ordered up a chain set and when it arrived i noticed it is a continuous chain with a soft link.... my question is, not wishing to now go to the expense of a slitting tool, is it possible to replace the soft link with a split link and get a bike garage to split the chain for me so i can refit the chain myself..... Any thoughts... Thanks...
Calling all XT125 owners
Hi.... If you are an XT15 owner i need your help and support... I purchased an XT125R (2007ish) in 'kit form' to rebuild for my son and am now struggling to assemble a few of the electrical components... before you ask i have the manual but that is limited... what i need is someone kind enough to take some pictures of their bike and send me... not a big ask i know but all i have received to date are false promises for help (you know who you are!!)...... so, if you can spare a few minutes to help me please get in touch and i will send you more details.... i am even willing to cover your costs and fund a beer or three for your eforts..... Very many thanks... Mark
XT125R pics
I have got the manual... however, that assumes you know where the part is fitted as you took it off to replace... if all the bits are in a box to begin with it is difficult to determine which bit fits where and the pictures in the manual are not that coprehensive... ie., there is no image of where the coil is fitted to the bike... also with the AIS, if replaced the pipes will remain in situ... and again, the pictures/photos in the manual are not that detailed... hence my request.... if another XT125R owner can take the detailed pics that are lacking in the manual... i can resolve... I thouhght that this was what FOC was all about.... helping each other outor am i wrong?
XT125R pics
Hi.... It's a 2005-2007 model.... unsure of actual age as bike is unregistered... background is that i purchased the frame complete the engine of which had been removed to support a bench test - so its brand new.... i acquired an engine, replacement loom and all the elctrics (coil, rectifier, ECU, etc, etc).... Problem i have is that without knowing where the parts were fitted to begin with i am struggling to work out how/where the fit to the frame.... so afew pictures of specific areas of the bike will assist.... specifics are - coil, starter relay, rectifier and relay .... and location of the battery... also i have the AIS and all the pipes but need info on which pipe is connected where? Has anyone a bike of similar years that can help me? happy to negotiate suitable terms for their troubles... Cheers
XT125R pics
Hi.... trying to rebuild an XT125R and need some pictures of where the electrics and AIS are fitted and wired/configured. Please help...tx
Hi... I have purchased an XT125R (2005-07 vintage) in bits and need help assembling... I brought a brand new frame and the picked up the engine, lom and elctrics.... I brought the manual but it assumes that you know where the bits go as you have removed it to repair/replace.... I am looking for an XT125 R owner who is willing to take a few digi pics of where the elctrics (relay, coil, regulator, etc) are fitted to the bike... if you can help can you send me a PM.... I am willing to provide a small financial reward as the bike is for my sone who is nearing 17 and getting keen to ride... Thanks one and all Mark
XT125R Project
Hi all.... I have posted a similar topic at 'The Bar' but thought also to post here too.... BACKGROUND. Last year i acquired an XT125R to rebuild for my step son to be - a project for us both to work on over Christmas. The bike was in bits - an unridden/unregistered frame (2005-2007 vintage) (complete ie., wheels, brakes, plastics, lights, etc), an engine and wiring loom. Have spent the last few months collecting the remaining bits - mainly electrical (coils, regulator, etc) and hopefuly now have all what is needed. I splashed out on a Haynes manual too. PROBLEM. The Haynes manual does not provide sufficient definition/visibility of where components are fitted or how certain pipes/air hoses run and I am struggling a little in rebuilding the bike. SOLUTION. What i am after is a fellow XT125R owner armed with a digital camera who is willing to take a few snaps of the detail i need - ie., where to locate some of th electrics, etc.... For this assistance my son and i would be eternally greatful.... Please get in touch if you can help us out..... Many thanks Mark
XT125R Rebuild - HELP!
Hi... Late last year i acquired an XT125R as a project for me and my step-son to be to rebuild and 'bond' over the Christmas break. However, what with the very cold weather we are only just thinking of starting on it. The history is that I have got an unridden/unregistered frame (2005-2007 i reckon), an engine, complete wiring loom and most, ifnot all, the elctrical bits (relays, ECU, etc).... The problem i am finding is that despite having a Haynes manual, i am struggling to work out where some of the components/hoses go.... Is there someone out there who has a XT and a digital camera that can help me work this out by taking some detaied shots of there bike to show the areas in quesions? Email me on morgan68_65AThotmail.com if you can help me and i will provide more details of the arears i am strugglingwith.. Many thanks
Alternative Engine for XT125%
Hi.... My lad's just turned 16 and is wanting a bike. Limited funds so we are looking for a winter project but have found nothing suitable/affordable (its amazing what a spares/repair bike fetches. However, recently i brought an XT125R in bits with the aim to rebuild...make a few quid and then purchase a suitble bike for him.... The XT152R is in great condition, never been ridden - all we need to do is fit another engine and re-connect all the electrics.... I was then thinking...if all goes well rather than sell it.... is there a suitable 50CC engine that will slot in the frame? Am i barking or is this an option.... i'm not looking to do a major rebuild, just swap out the engine so it will need to be compatable.... is the Kinrod XT50 similar? Cheers
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