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  1. Kitkat posted a post in a topic in General
    You always hear about the bad, but you never hear about the GOOD. There are many good sellers that supply our hobby with much needed parts. I just wanted to share some ebay sellers that I have had extreemly postive experiences with. These are their seller names on ebay: international-shipper, ricepaddyco, bcf1947aolcom, and Paul Miller Motorcycle in Connecticut.
  2. Kitkat replied to maltatrucker's post in a topic in General
    What about BAD BUYERS? They can ruin it the eBay experience too. I looked at the record of the seller in question. He has a good record from my research. He has over 5400 positive feedbacks from all over the world....99.9% positive. Maybe he did nothing wrong? Is the mail system in Malta reliable??