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  1. Hi Lordoss, Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post. Your comments have been most helpful, now I just have to decide on which route to go with the cables. Cheers
  2. Hello Everyone, Just joined the Club and thought I'd pop in to say Hi and ask a few questions, to which hopefully someone can provide a few answers. I recently bought a 1995 - XV250S(L) Virago in the UK which had been standing in the previous owner's garden shed since 1997. The bike has 5495 original miles on the clock as it had never been ridden since 1997. I would like to replace the cables and hoses with Stainless Steel Braided and wonder if anyone knows of a supplier of such (as well as stainless steel hose clamps/clips) for the XV250S. Also does anyone know what the (L) stands for? its how the Owner's manual makes reference to the bike [XV250S(L). The bike is in fairly good condition, starts and runs well but would just like to dress it up a bit. Also, the tires appear to be in good condition, but again wonder if these should not be changed since the bike has been standing for 12 years unused. Personally, I think they should and plan to do so, but could use to funds for the tires to buy additional cosmetics for the bike if a tire change is deemed un-necessary. Lastly, the rear shocks are good but have accumulated some rust on them from sitting unattended for so long. I plan to replace these in the future but for now I'm wondering if any member has any tips/experience on cleaning/removing the rust from shocks. Any advice/recommendation(s) would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely Eltigre0963