Everything posted by root
Dreaded snapped stud SR 125 exhaust
Cheers KP your pics very reassuring & well done on an excellent job ( hope my attempt is as good ? ) & im sure will be helpful to others I have tried a test run today on a same type these are only 5 mil studs in the vice & got through the length I need to do in about 4 hours with 2mil hss titanium coated bits & wd 40 lol ! I'll get cobalt drill bits & cutting oil before I try for real but leaving engine in with both wheels off & front end raised to a comfy sitting hight will take pics ive heard lager is a good coolant ? Thanks again cos I realy think easy out extractors are a good thing for certain jobs where the bolt isn't to tight & this one IS when they snap in the drill hole its double bad news ( very brittle ) CHEERS ROOT 3 days later success with the drilling method did it in the frame but would advise for easier access especialy with the tapping removing engine or head on this bike thanks for all the tips guys
Dreaded snapped stud SR 125 exhaust
Dreaded snapped stud SR 125 exhaust
Hi guys I have been changing the silencer & snapped the lower stud & have tried everything I can think of ( penetrating oil soak / heating around the stud with both oxy & propane /waxing / tapping to shock threads & no way will it budge with vice grips & I dont think easy outs will work I think its Bottomed ? ! There is less than centimetre of the stud sticking out so im thinking of filing it flat & drilling it out to completely then retapping, so what I would like to know is the best way to carry on like what drill size to start & what stages of sizes should I use the stud is only 5mm with a 2cm thread length with about 1cm left in the head so this is the maximum i can go in . Have any members done this any input would be greatly appreciated before I get started & drop another dangling spherical vital bit of my anatomy creers root
Front sprocket internal spline play
Thanks yes I think it is just the backlash ! I think I was being a bit paranoid so thanks for the reasurance cheers root
Front sprocket internal spline play
Hi again another issue have I bought trouble ? I feel a bit thick here but havent had a bike for many years & on a sr 125 that I have just got when checking chain & sprockets found that when on the stand with engine turned off & in any gear I can rock the back wheel about 2 inches back & fourth , the sprocket is tight to the splines so its internal play is this acceptable or will it need sorting ? & if so what work does this involve to put right cos no way coul'd I strip a full unit or is there an easy way ? knowing my luck prob not ! I would grateful of any input cheers root
SR 125 Noise
Hi The oil was pretty clean with no crap in it but it had been overfilled slightly so couln't see the level through the viewer so put the right amount of new oil in , I Checked oil delivery bolt afterwards & circulation ok
SR 125 Noise
Thanks for the heads up but shoul'd I have said that I have already done tappets timing chain tensioner air filter changed oil also drive chain and sprockets ! the rapping sounds bottom end & wondered if it was normal for this bike to be a bit noisy in that dept ? Its 1996 model but the mileage is only 11 K thanks again any more info would be welcome Root
SR 125 Noise
SR 125 Noise
Hi im hoping someone can put me in the picture about a used SR 125 that I have just bought? Well the thing is its a few years 23 since I owned a bike & that was a two stroke so I am a bit rusty but the bike isn't & has only done 11 thou & starts/runs well cruising at 60 but ive got it in my head that its a bit noisy in the bottom end RATATATAT & when I use a long screwdriver to listen with on the top of crankcase it sounds like knocking to me & im a bit isolated where i live so have nothing similar to compare it with so im hoping 1 of you guys could help cheers Root