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dean knott

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Everything posted by dean knott

  1. theres going to be a ride out next year from north wales to south wales if any one wants to go let me know. i be putting the date and were to meet soon many thanks dean
  2. im trying to put a boost on my bike but dont know were the wires for the o2 sensors and air intake is please help my bike is a ybr 125 2007
  3. ya might go but got no 1 to ride with any 1 going from betwes y cod,north wales
  4. the date is friday 30th of oct hope 2 see ya all there. meet at the swollow falls car park at 12oclock hope ya all come thanks dean
  5. hi every one who is up for a big ride out in north wales will be going from betws-y-coed to wrexham please write back so i can pick a date hope 2 get lots of replys so we can do this many thanks dean