Everything posted by armyofda12mnkeys
Using Colortune / idle mixture screw - 1978 XS400
I was curious... I was gonna test my fuel/air mixture with a colortune, but I was curious... in many online sources, they say this is always done via the idle mixture screw (sometimes known as pilot screw i think), and you need a small flat head screwdriver to get at it... had a few questions... 1. On an 1978 XS400, this is simply the thing underneith the seat area that i can adjust with just my finger (don't need a screw?), right? Ive used this to mess with idle settings before so I assume it is. 2. Assuming direction-wise that I'm sitting on my bike + looking down 'into' the seat... turning it clockwise leans it + counter-clockwise enrich's the fuel/air mixture, right? So when the bike is off, I would turn it very lightly clockwise until it is set, and then turn counter-clockwise to goto the manufacters setting (or 1 turn out if dont have that setting), and then try 1/4 turn increments until Colortune gets bunsen blue color. I've adjusted the fuel/air mixture by rpm's/sound of the '78 XS400 engine usually be4 buying Colortune ... which usually to me sounds good at about 1500 rpm's. 3. Just curious what the manufacturers recommended setting is for the rpm's + how many turns counter-clockwise from when the screw is set is the manufacturer's setting if available. 4. In the Colortune manual, It says when too little air is in the mixture, not enough oxygen to complete burning process so some CO (carbon monoxide) not converted to C02. + some unburnt fuel may be in the exhaust. and If too much air in mixture, more difficult to ignite + "misfiring" may occur + unburnt fuel in the exhaust gas will rise. So both scenarious, unburnt fuel may be coming out of the exhaust right? [which may make a 'shooting sound'/quick flame come out of the exhaust?]. Just asking above question to also try to figure out a possibility why my buddies Honda CB loses gas quickly, backfires out of the exhaust, (and also seems like gas sometimes coming out of his exhaust, but not sure on this one). Thanks guys!, Ari
Thoughts on my XS400
cafe styles can look cool on the xs400, both pretty cool: with the square tank i usually see on 77's (actually i dunno what style it is, it has a ratty look to it too): and this one doesnt have too many mods, with the stock teardrop tank but mikesxs.net sport seat and some handlebars: stock bike mostly with teardrop tank but cafed (click to see it as i cant embed it like the other pic for some reason)
help: Cleaning, un-Rusting, Polishing, Waxing your vintage bike
Cool Thanks for advice, ... I bought a bunch of different things to try on different parts and will update when i have a chance to work on my XS400/'85 Ninja and friends Honda CB's: StrongArm Spray (supposedly an amazing rust remover) Aluminum polishing/buffing kit for motorcycles (to use with a hand power-drill) for the engine: http://www.caswellplating.com/buffs/alpolkit.htm Peeks/Autosol/Flitz metal polishes (heh will figure out whats best for what, heard some of these are a bit abrasive, possibly use these be4 or after the Caswell buffing-polish drill kit on the aluminum engine [or not use at all if using that kit already?] Asking a few peeps and will update this thread. Also the StrongArm rust remover seems like is protective itself... not sure if i would want to use metal polisher after using that ) some cleaners/polishes/waxes as detailed in that guide I posted for things that are plastic like some fairings on the Ninja or things that got paint on them like the tank (Mothers pre-wax, Meguiar's step 2 polish, Meguiar's Gold Class liquid wax) Meguiar Leather/Vinyl Cleaner/Conditioner (2-in-1, Mothers has 2 separate products, seems like they have alot of good motorcycle specific polishes/wax's) #0000 steel wool and a Flitz mini polishing ball. Will update this thread when figure out what to use on what or if anyone has more recommendations, Ari
xs400 - MAC exhaust - anyone with experience?
curious, what do the reverse cones on the end do, that makes them louder? like it seems like it either should muffle the sound coming out, or muffle it into a smaller hole where it comes whistling out since more pressure.
xs400 - MAC exhaust - anyone with experience?
I like this reverse-coner as well: Curious, my mechanic has done custom headpipes/exhaust below, Not sure what you call 'em as there is no muffler 'add-on': Any advantages of an exhaust like this (or disadvantages)?
xs400 - MAC exhaust - anyone with experience?
Darn, But I may be tempted to ask my mechanic to give it a try ... He may be able to bend some metal into a head pipe that will go around stuff so muffler can just strap on the end kinda like this I'm thinking... Peashooters look great on some cafe bikes , esp that Thruxton ...
xs400 - MAC exhaust - anyone with experience?
Wondering if drewp had any advice on putting an 'upswept' exhaust like Peashooters on an XS400 ... Would it constrict exhaust flow? Heard some give alot of power to bike (at least the Norman Hyde ones). Wit to pass inspection though, not sure how loud they are .
XS400 valve/rocker cover gasket?
k thanks guys!
XS400 valve/rocker cover gasket?
Is this included in the XS400 Athena 27 peice complete Gasket set? My mechanic said "yeh if its top and bottom end, it should". but OldBikeBarn says no. Already bought one off partsnmore.com for other gaskets, but not sure about that one i need. If the gasket set doesn't include it, anyone got a link to get 1978 XS400 valve/rocker cover gasket. Thanks, Ari
cool turn signals that are DOT approved?
Here is response from K&S which is helpful: Wonder what 'running lights' are for dual filament... like those lights are always on (and used as flashers?)?, anyone do that? i forget whats standard to turn signals as my bikes been in shop .
cool turn signals that are DOT approved?
Been looking for some replacement turn signals that are DOT approved for a cafe racer bike. Live in PA, assume i need DOT approved turn signals to get inspected (heard conflicting info, but i'd rather have bright lights to be safe on my '78 XS400). Thanks!, Ari not sure what will fit my bike: Here is a list of all DOT approved K & S turn signals, not sure how many wires,bulb filaments i should use (seems like dual filament=2wires, single filament=1 wire) http://www.kandstech.com/index.php?page=yamahaturn# Universal K & S DOT approved: http://shop.hyperformanceparts.com/productdetail.htm?productId=7913676&ez=K;amp;S~q=bidaa745zz~r=~&rand=41188
xs400 - MAC exhaust - anyone with experience?
Would these 'peashooters' work on a 1978 XS400 lol? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Norton-Commando-Reverse-Cone-Seamless-Mufflers_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4836deda4fQQitemZ310158219855QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Are oil filter/drain plug clearance issues only related to the headpipes and not the muffler itself (motorcycle newbie, never replaced my oil yet!, so not sure of the answer).
Why is only years up to 77 listed? Only get to see one year for an XS400 and later XS650 parts unless you 'Click to View Yamaha Online Catalog', but that doesnt have parts for sale right? that goes through Yamaha dealer and definately in stock? Thanks
Fork Badge/Trim ... will it fit ...
I might be interested... Can you send a pic ([email protected] if dont wanna post it here)? Curious on condition (if any rust etc). Yeh, I'm converting my XS400 to a cafe as well... Doesnt that serve some functional purpose or the fork thing that wraps around the fork tubes with the Yamaha logo can be removed completely (sorry for describing that part so lond winded, just not sure if it should jsut be called a 'badge' since the Yamaha emblem seems like its the 'badge' and the whole part may be called something else)? I got conflicting info from 2 guys I thought were hardcore motorcycle guys on if it serves some functional purpose on the fork lol. Thanks for those links drewp! ill check it out
Fork Badge/Trim ... will it fit ...
Will the Fork Badge/Trim off a 1981 XS400 SPECIAL fit an 1978 XS400E? aka http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/XS400-FORK-BADGE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2ea8656f17QQitemZ200393715479QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories I need one and thats only one i can find in good condition. Thanks! Also all the screws used all over my bike, i saw an ebay listing covering some of them... Are they easily found on hardware sites? they kinda old and nasty lookin'
help: Cleaning, un-Rusting, Polishing, Waxing your vintage bike
I basically read through this informative article: http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/restoring.htm and was curious what products you would recommend, if you agree with steps the reviewer took. I have rust on my xs400 fork badge that I'd like to get rid of, and saw many solutions (Turtle Wax Chrome Polish And Rust Remover, Autosol, or put Diet coke on rusted Chrome parts, and wipe away rust with crumbled aluminum foil, steel wool with a rust remover, lemon juice on a brillo-pad, WD40+Lemon Pledge?!, sandpaper+primer+rustoleum). Not sure where the specific part un-rusting would go in that tutorial (after washing?, so remove rust, pre-wax?, polish and then wax it? ) How do you tell what are Chrome parts and Aluminum (as some cleaners says only for Chrome)? I just want a definitive guide i can use to clean and make my motorcycle 100% awesome . Recommeneded Methods/Products you all got . Thanks!, Arian
XS400/250 Gasket sets
why not just get the xs400 complete gasket set. its like 45$... https://www.partsnmore.com/cat_index.php?model=xs400&category=engine it sold out, but was there last week. at worst, can get 60$ off ebay i saw it there too and 1 other bike website
my XS400
In that last cafe picture, what is it called when the exhaust looks like its surrounded by tape? Whats the functional use of it besides it looks badass ? Maybe only I've seen them on custom pipes where looks like the guy welded the pipes himself.
looking for vintage-like headlights
hehe, i might bid on it... i saw some really cool cafe racers with more elongated (lengthwise) lights... Posted them... http://arianhojat.com/temp/cb450-caferacer2.jpg http://arianhojat.com/temp/moto_guzzi_le_mans.jpg the last one used a BMW R71/Chang headlight. Pretty cool! Any good places to get good universal knockoffs like these? I guess they are 'kinda' like bullet headlights right?
looking for vintage-like headlights
saw auction below for a cool looking headlight, looks kinda long, and has nice grills on there... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CHOPPER-HEADLIGHT-MOTORCYCLE-BICYCLE-ANTIQUE-HEADLAMP_W0QQitemZ320443599306QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item4a9bed49ca Anyone know where to get a headlight like this, (that'll fit an 78 XS400E )?
Fiberglass gas tank - street legal?
The guy I buy off ebay claims he has never had a problem even though regular fiberglass do have more problems, still recommends i keep ethanol content greater than 10%?(or 15 i forget) out of it. "My tanks are new polyester resins that are engineered much better than the old stuff plus as a precaution, are coated with phenol epoxy applied by hand before the tank is assembled, then once more after the tank is assembled, I pour coat into the bottom around the seam." Tank sure is pretty.
Fiberglass gas tank - street legal?
Curious if a fiberglass gas tank is street legal (in PA) and will pass inspection? My friend seems to think not. This is the tank I might buy (guy uses them on alot of XS's/CB's so thought I'd give him a try): Guy uses "new polyester resins that are engineered much better than the old stuff plus as a precaution, are coated with phenol epoxy applied by hand before the tank is assembled, then once more after the tank is assembled, then I pour coat into the bottom around the seam". http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Norton-Manx-style-Cafe-Racer-Gas-Tank_W0QQitemZ200398599766QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item2ea8aff656
XS400 to cafe conversion
Cool def will get the bushings and tapered bearings... What will the megacycle cam reprofile do for the bike? Can you link to some rear shocks that will work on my bike (preferably not too expensive, and black/(or black/chrome) in color since I'm 'blacking' out the bike)? and the progressive front springs that will work on a XS400E? Looking in my Haynes manual but not sure of what exactly to get for those, if you can help out a lil'. Anyone see the Athena 27 peice gasket set for $45 anywhere? saw it on oldbikebarn.com for $67.95, but i saw it yesterday after clicking some links here for $45 i coulda swore, but now can't find it. Anyone see it cheaper anywhere else? Also i guess i had the 'high idle' one week a while back I hear alot of XS people talk about. But it went away and hasn't reared its ugly head. Idle screw was at usual setting, then one time i was pushing my bike somewhere while it was started and in nuetral and i hear the RPM's go really high. tried lowering the idle screw. Forget if that helped a little or not, still doesn't explain underlying problem. What causes that, is that what people call a 'lean idle'? Thanks drewps, I'll def private message you when this bike is done. Won't be too much of an ordinary cafe build (dont know if thats good or bad, we'll see how this Frankenstein monster will turn out).
XS400 to cafe conversion
k, its frame # I believe is 2L0010438, engine #: 2LC-010438. . It has a kick and electric start (heard some models don't). It is a 1978 model (i thought maybe Yamaha did like 77=D, 78=E, 79=F model but guess thats wrong?). ... What would you fix on this bike if you were re-doing the whole bike and money didnt matter too much? heard replacing plastic swing arm bushings with bronze ones are a must, what else? Another question: Bike has a small oil leak somewhere, thought about maybe getting an Athena complete gasket set, or is it smarter to try to find the one gasket i may need where the leak is (if you can buy new gaskets one piece like that).
XS400 to cafe conversion
Quick question, how do you know if you have an XS400E, D, F, etc? Was gonna sell my bike to get another bike later, but went on vacation and someone hit my 1st motorcycle and ran. Can't leave my baby in that kinda shape so going to turn her into something nice. So asked my vintage mechanic (dont got time with new job to learn motorcycle repairin') to turn it into a streetstyle/cafe bike with some parts I got. Will post pics in a couple months . cosmetically: Think I'm adding a new seat/tank that I know will fit xs650/xs400, headlight/taillight, superbike handlebars/torismo grips (debated clubman bars but i won't find that too comfy), and fork gaitors, and new petcocks for the new tank. mechanically: Bike's clutch is very on/off. think its just the cable so getting that replaced. Bike gets stuck in nuetral or hard going from 2nd to 1st... might put in a new transmission. Bike's electric doesn't catch sometimes esp in cold weather, might put in a new stator/starter clutch. Bike a long time ago ran at super-high rpm's when idle screw was at normal level (and think choke was out), not sure why, went away, if can buy something to fix this, let me know . Things to replace to prepare for future issues: Possibly put in bronze swing arm bushings - heard 1st thing should replace on any XS for better handling. Possibly put in tapered Steering Stem Bearings replace ball ones Needle Swingarm Bearing Kit? eh not sure, any advice? Possibly some new shocks, preferably black colored - any recommendations?