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Everything posted by derbyshireyeomanry

  1. Hi mate , to take the tank off fully you have to disconnect the speedo housing completly which is a simple job, the housing has two black push in fasteners at the front , just push the middle bit in with a little screwdriver or something and they will pop out then undo the screw holding the main bit on , then you can lift off the housing to get underneath it , you will see that the speedo cable is just unscrewed from its socket underneath the housing (by this I mean with your thumbs , not a screwdriver ) and there is two electric cables to unclip and the tank breather pipe to pull off , then the tank will be clear to remove.
  2. Highway hawk fat pipes XVS125 DRAGSTAR Purchased some of these a while back , fitted them with the shop guy and found out the intake manifold on bike was full of holes and split wich we patched up wihth some sealant as a temporary fix , anyway we just upped the needle a bit and it seemed to run fine. Then I went out and bought a new manifold, with this fitted the bike was running out of top end and was a bit of a disaster wich confused me ! My question is this do these pipes need the carb rejetting , cant seem to find any information either way , if so any advice as to what sort of size jet to try the stock one is a 90 Anybody with practical experience of these pipes ? what has worked for you ?
  3. Hi guys was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on whether or not one of those nice chromed front fenders off of an xs250 , rd250 etc would fit a 125 dragstar they seem to have the same 4 bolt hole fittings was just wondering if anyone had one they could measure up ,the dragstar fender is 12 cm across the gap and the bolt holes are 5cm apart on the mounting plate. P.S Ive fitted some apehangers , and now throttle cable/clutch cable are pretty much at their limits anyone know of any longer cables maybe off of a xv 535 or maybe xvs650 would something like that fit ? cheers for any advice