Everything posted by Spartan 969
YBR125 downshift issue
Thanks guys, much appreciated help. My timing was way off with gas and clutch. I was putting gas back on too soon, while in the clutch; which explains the rev spike, along with the lurching. Was also sometimes too high in the revs on downshift with improper throttle. Also noticed that my clutch free play needs tightening, whether that's contributing, I'll find out! Much appreciated comments Cheers Spartan
YBR125 downshift issue
Thanks for the responses folks, I'll take out the bike tomorrow and have a play. I'll let y'all know how it goes! Cheers Spartan
YBR125 downshift issue
Indeed, I'm sure I'll have a few In the car, too. I'm fairly good at self analysis, and through previous instruction, would pick up 5-8 faults on my test, by their evaluation. There's things that have appeared as all bad habits do, too. Wish I was perfect, but I not. DAS is on the cards, hopefully by the end of the year. I have yet to find a training centre that does lessons. They all seem to be focused on a block week. Easy Rider in Derby have gone now as far as I'm aware, and they are where I did my recent cbt and cbt plus. Generally I don't change down more than one gear at a time, just trying to find the cause of my issue. Also wanting to learn other methods. Although, I can shift fine if I blip, but I can't do that while breaking. As per my first post. The problem doing that, is that when I blip with two fingers, the other two on the break move with. If that makes sense. Hence trying other methods to shift down when coming to a stop. I'm not sure if the last bit makes sense. I'm not that great with writing things down. Cheers
YBR125 downshift issue
Apologies, I'm on my 3rd CBT, with just shy of 6 years on the bike. Typing in a rush when I got to work.. I've got 15k under my belt, and slow speed and clutch control I find rather easy, it's just these gears! I seems like it is me, my hands don't like talking to my feet. If any remember, at school having to rub your stomach while patting your head and tapping your feet: I can't do that :/ I should note that I have done a CBT Plus scheme too, all CBTs done on a CG or CBF and the instructor didn't pick this up, so I suspect it's something that has developed. Although, it was mentioned on CBT that I spent too long on the clutch. I am almost certain that the issue is me, I do most adjustments to the bike myself, and clutch throttle and breaks are set as required. So I am sure the bike is ok. This happens to be the only issue I have while riding. Cheers
YBR125 downshift issue
Hi, It's been a long while since posting, but due to circumstance, I have yet to do my DAS and am on 6th CBT. Anyhow, moving on to the issue: The only way to shift down that works is blipping the throttle. I struggle blipping when breaking, so, naturally I go by the manual which says not to blip but slowly release clutch and apply throttle as required. The problem with that method, is that the revs spike when releasing the clutch, by about 3k, if there is and throttle applied, with no throttle the back wheel starts to lock and the bike lurches. So far, the only work around is to blip on downshift, and block change if coming to a stop. I find it odd that I can shift down with blipping but not using the method taught on CBT with this bike. I was wondering if any have words of wisdom for this? Cheers Spartan
Thinking about taking DAS
Thanks for the replies folks. I think I'll be doing my theory within the next two months, I've been practicing it for a while so I should do ok on that, just want more practice with the hazard perception. Lessons and practice between seems like a good idea, when I have the bike back I'll ride about for a few weeks and then find me a new trainer (local one closed down) and have an assessment to get an idea of my riding ability. The one thing I know I need lots of practice on, is slow speed stuff. The past year I have rarely seen traffic as my route to work was all country roads and small towns/villages. I went back to education full time to retrain for a career change and my route goes through the outskirts of Derby. The mornings are often at a stand still, much more traffic than I am used too. My slow speed has improved in these conditions but I know it still needs more work. Cheers
Thinking about taking DAS
Hi, After several long hard months of saving, I am only a few bob short of affording my DAS. However, I'm not sure how I should go about it as I haven't road over winter and some pillock ran over my bike while it was parked up (pannier rack saved bike from any major damage) and I won't have my bike back for a few weeks. I know I need more practice (slow speed), and to do my theory test but I don't know any bikers who ride any more to go out with to point out mistakes and what not. Should I go straight to an instructor and do a 5 day course, including mod 1 and 2, or would having lessons be the better option? I can't afford to fail, money is fairly tight so I want to make the best decision possible. Cheers Spartan
Hello from Spartan
Thanks for the welcome folks. Blackhat - Yeah, I sold my old ybr when my ctb ran out, I was desperate for cash at that point as I was made redundant. I did my cbt again in dec 2013 and I'm back on a ybr. I'm looking at doing my test in spring or summer. wild foamy - Yeah, I was addicted to halo in my early years, then god of war so the name just stuck.
Hello from Spartan
Hi, I created this account years ago but never really posted, so this is long overdue. So, I'll be saying hello
Bike Stolen :(
lol man sux.... do what i would do, on your next bike, rig the brakes when ya not using it... or keep a gun in ya garage...