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  1. stockton86 replied to AndiG's post in a topic in Naked
    ok, i finally went out and take a looksie. no exup valve to be found. if the parts diagrams online (cycle parts nation etc.) are accurate, the oem exhaust was four into one. and where the four went into one was like a little chamber looking thing that apparently contained the exup. so, it appears that i have an aftermarket exhaust system. it goes 4 into 2 into 1 and then a very cool looking/sounding hindle stealth can. i can only assume that the guy who did this paid attention to re-jetting etc if needed. so perhaps my fzr actually has better top end performance, but i am guessing that id be much happier with the stock setup. the top end was probably not much different (who knows, i have very little experience with what an exhaust system can do to a bike like this) and ill bet that the <4k rpm area was far easier to live with. as of now, i have to very gingerly open up the throttle when starting from a dead stop or else the engine will bog down quickly and severely. once i am rolling at 20 mph or so, 1st gear is up high enough on the tach to be out of the trouble zone, so at any speed higher than that i can avoid the troubled rpm range by running in a lower gear. which of course is annoying as heck to me. i dont frequent the track, just city roads and freeway. i wish i has usuable low end torque rather than a freer breathing high rpm screamer. ah well, im not about to pay $800 for all the oem parts (which are on backorder anyhow), so i guess ill just live with it the way it is. not that anyone is reading this thread anyway.
  2. stockton86 replied to AndiG's post in a topic in Naked
    oh my goodness!!! you guys are talking about exactly what is causing me much pain and suffering!!! I have only had my 92 fzr 1000 exup for 1000 miles or so (like a year) and i have only been riding for a few years. all that to justify why i had NO IDEA why my fzr ran LIKE CRAP below 3500 rpm or so. i thought some carb maintenence would do the trick, so i took it in. they told me i needed new o rings. $220 later, new o rings. oh, btw you also need new diaphragms. well, im already out $220 (parts only!), so why not another $400?! hmm... could be the valves too. fine, do the danged valves. all told, $1100 and the bike runs THE SAME. wonderful. and then i begin learning about exup, and run into this thread, and bingo!!! well, i actually have yet to run out and take a look and see if i still have an exup valve or not, im guessing not. i think the pipes are aftermarket... so basically im screwed, right? anybody out there still subscribed to this thread??? please reply if you are familiar with fzr 1000 exup and the like!! thanks