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  1. meh replied to milne's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Take off the radiator cap and rev the engine a bit. If there's bubbles coming up then it's probably the head gasket gone. Check that first.
  2. Cheers fella. I only paid £275 quid for the bike which already had the sm wheels on it,so i have no idea if it's the original speedo drive or not. I checked it yesterday with my sat nav and at an indicated 70mph on the clock the gps showed 63mph which is about what i'd expect to be right (they all usually over-read) I'd guess that indicated 80mph would be a touch over 70mph real speed. It has plenty of rpm's left to go off the clock aswell. My tacho only shows around 8k rpm and won't go any higher but i suspect that's due to a faulty tacho ? *shrugs*(splutters and engine won't rev higher) Bike looks a mess with the unpainted new shape rear end, but i'll get that sorted soon enough...
  3. Never thought at the time to try revving the engine(i will try though), but even at this initial stage it doesn't look 'right' . Yeah the bike is supermoto'd so has the 17" front and rear...
  4. Sorry to bump up this thread again, but... It doesn't move much does it ? nowhere near as much as the others in the vids on here! Yet the bike still pulls to 80mph with relative ease. Another thing i noticed with my actual powervalve aswell: When i line up the powervalve to manual specs and feel up the exhaust port,the side furthest away from the piston sticks out proud of the port by about 3mm ? The side closest to the piston is totally flush! Definately different from the 2005 plate dt i pulled apart the other day? What ya reckon ?