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pete k

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  1. pete k posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    iv got a fzr400. It runs well and ticks over ok but when I put the lights on it will NOT tick over,I have replaced the rec but that did not help,can you
  2. pete k replied to Mike 777's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi i had the same prob it was a small split in one of the carb to engine rubbers
  3. pete k posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi could you tell me how to adjust the front forks on my fzr400 rsp.it has a pin and locking nut at the top of the forks.you have helped in the past thanks
  4. pete k posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have a FZR400 1WG,which is running fine till I reach top gear, then after a few minites in top gear it starts pulling back as if it is running out of fuel - but it is not. I have put a new rectifier on but sometimes the idling still sticks at 2500 revs and then will slowly reduce back to tick over. I have also replaced the main jet "O" rings - but still have this problem in 6th gear - can any one please help. The bike is on a D plate but the engine is not original - it is newer.