Everything posted by Bob R1
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What other Hobbies
another Hobby even
Tyre Help
Go for the Corsa III,s have them on my R1,have done over a 1000 miles on them so far ,they have a hard center ,and soft sides,bike handles well with them,.
- I am new
Coolant in the oil
Iff it,s any help an R.1 i owned had a sort of same problem,on the Yamaha in the middle of the sump pan there is a hole,if you took the sump pan off you,d see a metal tube coming from within the engine ,which is an overflow designed to let out excess coolant out,via the middle of the sump pan to the ground,if the rubber sealing washers on that tube are perrished coolant will mix with the oil,. worth a look,..
What other Hobbies
That figures,my son plays to,he borrowed my Epiphone Les Paul ,still haven,t got it back yet
What other Hobbies
Apart from Biking I Play Guitar ,been in alot of bands in my youth,.any other muso,s on here?
Think i'm addicted
Nice Bike looks in good nick
My 2008 Graphite R6 Replacement......
Nice Bike ,and car,.
FZR1000 running problems. Please help.
If a bike,s been standing for a while petrol can gum up in the carbs ,they might need stripping and cleaning,overheating can be caused by weak mixture,have you checked the thermostat?give it a service see what happens,.
2007 YZF600R Won't Idle
Check the petrol tank breather tube isn,t kinked or blocked,also backfiring can be a result of unburnt fuel in exhaust,is it running rich?take the plugs out and see what colour they are they should be a tan colour ,if they are black its running rich,if white its weak,better still take it back and make them put it right ,.
2009 R1 engine problem/fault: knocking/rattling on initial startup
Sounds like the oil isn,t getting to the Cam,s quick enough on initial start up take it back and get it checked , silly question but is the oil level o.k.?
Another new menber
Welcome to Y.O.C. mate
Just joined.
as long as she,s got fishnets on ,
Pic of my bike
Just joined.
Hi everyone i,m abit of an old bloke,riding for over 40yrs,got a 02 R1,at the moment,live in Sth.London,will post pic off it when i figure out how to,.
rev counter on my r1 1998 model
I had exup trouble on a 98 R1,the bike rode fine until i hit fairly high speed when the needle would stick at 7000,when speed was dropped the revcounter would be normal again,because of the position the valve is in its always rusty,.if you dont want to spend any money,just release the exup cables from the pulley or from the motor ,its under the carb bank,revcounter will behave normally again, but the valve will be stuck closed probably,with less power maybe fit a full system,.