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  1. Petroman replied to Petroman's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi all, Just wanted to say, found the problem, and this might be useful for anyone with the same problem. The headlight relay was not under the gas tank as the service manual shows, that's what drove me nuts, because all the relays there, checked out ok. It was located in the left hand side compartment, under the ignition system. Replaced it, and all is well. Thanks, BB
  2. Petroman replied to Petroman's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Fuse is good, but the switch idea will be checked out Thanks alot BB
  3. Petroman posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi all, nice forum, look forward to be here more. Anyway I have a 1982 Xj650 Yamaha and I cannot get the headlight to work, The light is good, the relay is good, battery good, I am a fairly good mech. but this is driving me nuts. Can anyone help? Thanks, Bob