Everything posted by XTreme
How can I change my country flag to a welsh dragon ?
If you'd scrolled down a bit more you'd have seen the Dragon. I've done it for you now you stupid Gog!
Bikeless in Dagosville!
.....cos I've had to say goodbye to an old friend! The mighty XT is now on it's final journey back to Wales. For the first time in my life (and that's 54 bikes in the last 36 years)....I'm genuinely sorry to see a bike go. I've never owned a bike for the length of time I've had the XT, and it's never missed a beat here, or in the UK. But the bureaucracy surrounding importing foreign vehicles into Spain makes it very difficult to register it here. I've had to ride it illegally for the last year, and now the Guardia Civil is cracking down on Brit plate vehicles, I have no other option than to ship it back. A mate of mine in Cardiff has bought it.....and he's a Yamaha enthusiast too. So it couldn't go to a better home! That's the only consolation for me.....it's going to a Welshman who'll look after it as well as I have! Great machine....I'll never forget it.
XT Dilemma!
This is a 3 year old thread guys!
- Still here
Jonesin' to Ride
You got Welsh blood Jonesy?
It's Alex's birthday!
Have a good day Alex! Wonder if we'll get a visit from the Brighton Belle today?
Check oil on sidestand?
Nice one jbri! Always take a reading on a level surface....warm the bike up first, leave about 10 minutes, then test the level. That way you should get an accurate reading. And don't forget....change that oil regularly! And ignore Eddy.....he's a fucking idiot!
- Hi Everyone
Check oil on sidestand?
:lol: :lol: Medic! Medic!
Michelin Recall on Tyres
How can he....the link don't work!
I bet you'll like to ride a Fat Boy as well Tom? Well into the Honda lifestyle I see?
It's Yamahead's birthday!
And he's 45! have a good day Hillbilly!
XJ 600 Diversion Fairings. Help please?
Got any photos of you offroading this Divvy?
How come the "Custom" section is unavailable???
Looks like Alex set up the section but didn't edit the permissions! Should be good to go now!
Lest we forget!
Jarno Saarinen 11/12/1945 - 20/5/1973 Biography HERE!
End of the dream
Shit! Sorry to hear that Robbie! But you're here to tell the tale.....it could have been worse.
- Hey everyone
Happy Birthday Liquidcooled!
Coming from Alex that's classic!
- Picked it up today
Styling and Profiling in the Sierra de Pozo!
Calais? About 1500 miles Tom....I'm in southern Spain!
To bury it in more like!
- Turncoat!!!
- OI Tomq!
Styling and Profiling in the Sierra de Pozo!
My Ride Reports from Spain have been a bit thin on the ground this year due to work commitments. But amazingly I had a free day.....so off I went to explore an area I'd never been to before....the Sierra de Pozo National Park. Going through Castril I encountered the remains of a Suzuki strewn everywhere! Closer investigation revealed it was the debris from my mate's DL1000....he recently rode over all the way from the UK, along with another mate on an R1200GS. Then he managed to break his foot 15 miles from my house! Being a good friend I retrieved the plastic cos I've still got his Strom (and the GS) in my garage and they went home by plane! I know how to show people a good time! Anyway, I carried on and reached Pozo Alcon. Then I turned up into the mountain range! The higher I went, the colder it got! Out here you can have an incredible fluctuation in temperature and road surface within just a few miles. If you want offroading....you can just ride wherever you want. But be aware you usually have vultures circling overhead so it's not wise to try any heroics! Got to the peak of the mountain....and what a view! By this time I was freezing due to the altitude....but luckily I found a nice cafe bar surrounded by a waterfall and stream. After I'd warmed up and found out where I was (cos I didn't have a clue)....it was back down the other side of the mountain. And I ended up crossing into the Sierra de Cazorla National Park....lakes everywhere! A further 30 miles and I was home. A total of 120 miles round some great deserted roads! I love it here.....unfortunately my Brit mates never seem to make it out in one piece!
Happy Birthday Liquidcooled!
And the stupid boy is 25 today! Have a good day Alan!