Everything posted by XTreme
Empty roads
Empty roads?
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro
Didn't take long to get back into the Brighton lifestyle did it Alex?
- 2007 V-Star Forum
Nice one mate! MCN protest rally? Bout time people took a stand against that POS worthless rag!
Running-in advice for a Newbee
Plenty of revs....but don't load the engine. Plenty of opening throttle.....and closing throttle via deceleration. Vary speeds, gears, different road types, and warm it up thoroughly first. Make sure the first service is done at the right time, cos that oil will have turned to shit by then. Do not run it in too slowly!
Noobe Intro
Andy's looking for a Spanish waiter as well?
Ignore Bruce xone....he's a twat!
Xt sprockets
Careful Andy....he'll be telling you to hang your bike from the washing line next!
That is brilliant xone! Come over and join up on my site MaximumBikes and post up your photos! The guys would love to see them! I've even introduced you HERE!
Xt sprockets
No....the hillbilly just takes out the trash Bruce! TDM's still here.....haven't been on it for about 10 days though!
Xt sprockets
I was the one that called you in here to answer an XT query last year you stupid busboy!
Xt sprockets
I love photos of ladies on bikes....keep 'em coming xone!
Oil And Plugs!
Check the NGK site for it's recommendation, and somewhere like the Castrol site for the oil application.
Noobe Intro
Wow! What a collection Andy! As for the manual have you tried HERE?
Who or what is "fazerdai"
Dai....you'll find a lot of us Welsh riders over HERE Quite a few Carediff unfortunately!
Rolling On my 1300
Get the dealer to check the ECU.....FI can be jerky on some bikes.
- posting pictures
Who or what is "fazerdai"
I'm in North Eastern Granada Dai.....this is the place for riding. No cars, no people, and no cops!
posting pictures
The explanation below is very long winded to read but in reality, doing it takes just a few moments. Firstly a picture published in this forum must exist somewhere on the internet (not on your computer) For this you will need to "upload" it to a server, there are many free and pay for sites that offer picture hosting some are useable others are not. The one's that are not useable are often MSN, Yahoo etc this is because they don't allow "external linking" to a file which you will need to do. Here are some known useable one's: www.photobucket.com (costs) www.imageshack.us (this one is very good, completely free, best to register so you can delete if needed) There are plenty of others but I'm sure you've all heard of Google. All of these places will have file size limitations, probably the best size for a forum is no more than 700 pixels wide at 72dpi If your pictures are still full size from your camera you will most certainly need to edit them in your favourite image editing program on your PC (you did install one didn't you) Once your file is uploaded to the internet make sure you are viewing the full size image (not a thumbnail) and right click the image, then select "properties" a box will appear in which you can see the address (url) of the image, drag your mouse over this url to highlight it (make sure to include the "http" all the way to the end of the image name which will normally be ".jpg") Once highlighted, hold down "CRTL" and at the same time press "C", this will copy the highlighted text Now you're ready to post your image on the forum Start your post as normal, you will notice above the text area that you type in there is a button like this , click on it, it will open a small window where you enter the URL to the image, click in the box, now hold down "CTRL" and press "V", this will paste the url you copied a moment ago, now press the "OK" button. That's it your done, you can now preview or submit your post
which chain lube?
Don't use wax....it glues your chain up! Use Wurth Teflon lube!
Who or what is "fazerdai"
You're not one of them Carediff wankers are you Dai?
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
You can say "fucking" if you want to Tommy! Don't confuse us with the Honda forum!
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
Cheers mate....but I don't live in the city! I live in the country....and I have a donkey! But in mitigation....he's quicker than a Harley, more reliable than a Harley, and costs less to run than a Harley. And unlike a Harley he expels turds rather than attracts them!
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
WTF is "yall" you inbred trailer park hillbilly? Take Bubba's dick out of your ass....and BillyBob's dick out of your mouth as well. Now get back to your trailer, fire up some John Cougar Mellancamp, watch the NASCAR channel while nibbling your mayonnise sandwiches through your three remaining teeth. And with any luck you may get the chance to fuck your sister again later!