Everything posted by misfit
dt200r wont start
hay now its not going again it went for a couple of mins then died so i pulled the sparkyplug owt and it was oiled up so i put i new one in then it was floaded after a couple of mine ofter been started i think it runing to rich im not sore im think about getn it fixed then by a 4 stroke
dt200r wont start
thanks mate i got it going
dt200r wont start
i was riding me dt around the paddock then i let it sit over night then i started it in the morning it went for around 5-10 mins then it died i recently put a new air filter in it after it wouldnt start i pulled the carby out and cleaned it the fuel filter was block so i cleaned that and i put it back together and it still wont start it did start for around 5 seconds when it stopped it sounded like it was runny out of fuel Please Help thanks Dylan
DT200r wont star
I was riding my bike the other day and i let it sit in the shed over night then when i went to start it it started normally then i let it idle for 5mins then she just died if pulled the carby out cleaned them the petrol filter was block and i cleaned that and it still wont star and if you let it sit for a couple of hours then try to start it it start for only 5 seconds if anyons has any idea's or suggestions please help me
Any DT/WR 200 owners out there?
hay guys Ive got a 98 dt200r and its not quite running write its has a small studer i replaced all the rubber rings in the power value it runs smoother But when i was tighning up the bit (not sure wat its called) it the part were the two powerband wires comes down into the power value ) it broke and im wondering wats i called and how hard it would be to replace it all i now that it does wen i turn the key on it goes forwad then back sorry if i confused you
dt200r 98 still studders
My dt seem to be riding smoother but it still has a studder im just wondering if i could be the powerband adjustments not quite write I replace all new seals and rings and the power valvue that made it run a little bit smoother if any one nows the awnser or a suggestion please help me Thanks Dylan
- 98 DT200R
Dt 200r pro circuit exhaust system
Hay Im just wondering how much would a secondhand dt200r pro-curcuit exhaust system be worth because im putting the original exhaust back on it to save petrol.Im selling the pro-circuit
dt 200 98
hay it has been re jetted its slowly starting to run better dont no why Im selling it now
dt 200 98
Hi i have a 98 dt 200r and it studders sitting on any speed and any rev but it sound good when i go up in speed it has a pro circuit exhaust system on it and its been re jetted for the exhuast system im not sure if its just the racing pipe and i carnt get a original pipe for it. Ive only been able to get 84 ks out of a tank is that bad or good for a dt Please help cheers
DT 200 R over revving
I took it to the shop and it was crank shaft case seal was damage stator side it was sucking air in
DT 200 R over revving
thanks for all the reply orded parts for it gave the carby a good clean it had a blocked jet but that didnt fix it does anyone no wat size jets they soppossed to have its currently got a 170
DT 200 R over revving
thanks ill have a look when i have some time still leave replies if you think it could be somethink else
DT 200 R over revving
I have a 98 model Dt 200R was going alright up till the other day, stopped the engine & when I went to start it it was hard to start (normally easy) when it finally started it went to about 5000Revs and the revs kept increasing, when the throttle was given a quick twist the revs came down a bit but then slowly built back up again, it would hunt between 3000 & 7000 revs when the choke was operated it went over the redline. anyone have any ideas. pleaese help