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  1. havealoha replied to havealoha's post in a topic in Classics
    Thanks for all the replys! It has started now and then, seems like its getting more difficult. Ive taken all the reply info into account and still no joy. Looks like Im going to take the carb off and clean it and go from there. Also posted to http://www.yamaha-xt500.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=23197#23197
  2. havealoha posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Never owned a kickstart before. Having difficulty starting. Seems like every 20 kicks I get it started. Sometimes not at all. What is the procedure? Gas on. (what is the pri on the gas valve?) Ignition on. Choke on. (how much?) Clutch off. In neutral. Control lever off. Kick indicator window shows white. Kick. Do I give it some throtle? Bumpstarting it only works sometimes too. Am I missing something? Does anyone have the Owners Manual online? Eric