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Everything posted by Shilling

  1. Hi Graham I've fitted a Mustang yes a little bit of improvement without effecting reaching the ground flat footed.I've also looked at the Harley Davidson Handlebar called The Narrow Beach Bar but not offered it up on the bike yet at a local dealer.I live in Cambridge Cambs.I've had my Bike 3 years enjoy riding but heavy machine when slow manouvering.My Bike is Black with a little Bling and noise with a little personalising on the Tank and Mudguards Thanks for your replys STAY SAFE KEEP THE FAITH. Regards Roger G
  2. Hi Clarkegray is RSDT a abbreviation for the USA Yamaha Royal Star Model I have already changed my bars for the Yamaha XVS 950 still searching a few more inches of reach.I'm one of the short breed Thanks for the info Regards SHILLING AKA Roger Gascoigne
  3. Hi Guys Not sure how to Post problems this the 3rd time i've tried looking for info on Handlebar Risers for XVS 1300 Midnight Star has anybody tried to fit them ? found a USA site Roxspeed fc 2" rise 2" pullback any info on these ?