- FZ600
1989 fz600 full fairing for £1k?
Its my bike in the mag! and my ugly mug on the first page of the feature!!!!!!
1989 fz600 full fairing for £1k?
Hello chap I have one of these, I recently restored it. I am into this model big time. Can you send me a few pics of the bike and I might be able to help you out. My bike is in December issue of Practical Sportsbike mag, some useful info in there, These are not worth a lot, so be careful on the price. I am looking for another one, so if you dont want it, drop me a line. I paid over the odds for mine, spent a small fortune doing it up!!!!
Uploading pictures?
Hello How do I upload pics of my bikes the Members Rides? It does not seem to work? must be doing something wrong! regards Steve
fz600 1988 33 bhp
Hi I looked into this for you, but could not find anyone who made a kit for the FZ600's. Sorry!
Hello All New to Forums. I have an 88 FZ600, and a 98 R1 both white/red. Riding up to Box Hill on the R1 on Sunday 21st August. Feel free to say hello!
FZ600 owners!
i dont own a Fazer! its an FZ600!
FZ600 owners!
Blimey....am I the only one with an 80's FZ600??
FZ600 owners!
I am in Southampton, looking for some fellow FZ600 86-89 owners to ride with. Anyone fancy a ride out send me an email [email protected]
Blimey.....sorted at last. Carbs out, completely stripped and cleaned. Balanced, and raring to go. Bike is sweet as. A272 here I come. I actually prefer riding the FZ to my 98 R1!!!
I have found the problem, the float bowl retaining pin holder had snapped off, and i have now purchased a second hand set of carbs. Need new airbox to carb rubbers but they are £95, i have already bought new carb to head rubbers. getting expensive! Updates will follow
Hi I have same problem, I have been slowly rebuilding my 88 FZ6 for the last 5 years! I removed the carbs, stripped and had them de-greased, then flushed them out. Fitted new Inlet rubbers. When I came to fire the bike up (1st time!) I primed the carbs, she fired up staright away! Well chuffed! Until she then dumped loads of fuel out of the overflow. There was no crap in the float bowls, it was spotless. I presume I put the right hoses in the right place as the vacuum and fuel lines are different sizes, I cant see how I could get that bit wrong. I had a nightmare time fitting the carbs, so I really dont want to take them out again....i am desperate to get my project back on the road ASAP. Any ideas??? Steve