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  1. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Goff trike running better and managed to eat up a few miles , still a little misfire , on checking engine noticed small oil leak from head gasket ( nothing runs smothly when you build with old bits and peices ), ordered gasket , about 1 week until it arrives , also orderd new inlet manifold ( small rubber rings ) but still £75 for 3 , I hope this will sort it out !!!! Tat
  2. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Goff 1 beer turned into 2 or so ! Fitted balance pipes and bike reved up tp 9000 rpm , put exhausts on and revs dropped to 6500 , took baffles out and bike reved to 9000 , a little LOUD , I think the boys in blue might be seen regulary in my mirrors , not to sure were to go from here , maybe cut baffles down redune noise a little and maybe the revs to. Thanks Tat
  3. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
  4. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Goff Very little work done on bike today ( lazy ) been working all day . Did manage to tig up some balance pipes out of 22mm stainless will try and fit tomorrow ( if there is not a beer with my name on it ). I tried pulling out choke when on the move , but not any better , will try plug chop when exhaust back on , I dont think the fuel settings are to far out ( he says hopefully ), weather great for bikes today yet both of mine never see the sun ! Thanks Tat
  5. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi XS 750 running better without exhausts on , like a pig with them on , has any one heard of balance pipes ?- pipes joining exhausts together , my mate has suggested this ( he has never been right as yet , but he has to be right one day ) Thanks Steve
  6. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Jim Thanks for your comments , I hope I have sorted out problem , it appears to be exhaust , on taking of exhaust but leaving on down pipes biked reved to 8500 , but still a little work to do . Thanks again Tat
  7. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
  8. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Goff Things have moved on a little today . Started by putting more fuel to the carbs via balance pipes , problem still there , on swearing a little , OK a lot , decided to take of exhausts but left the down pipes on , 8500 rpm a lot lot better , seems to be a problem with them , bloody ebay exhausts !!! I am going to tinkle more and hope it will get better . Carbs were totally striped as they had stood for 15 years and were like jelly . Thanks for all your help its nice to know that there are good people out there willing to help . Again thanks
  9. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
  10. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Thats quick ! At 4000 rpm it is like hitting a wall , it splutters and will not rev beyond that ( a gallon of petrol and a match could sort it ) only joking Thanks Tat
  11. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi I have lifted the needle in each carb to max , the tap fitted is recomended for Harley's so should be big enough for a little 750 , but I can see were you are going with this and I will try coming out of the balance pipes of the tank to get more fuel . Thanks again , if you have any more ideas be very happy to hear them as I am pulling out my hair ( not much there to start with )
  12. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi It is a custom tank , I had a mechanic set the mixture , the pipes have baffles and are road legall . #Again many thanks all ideas welcome ( scratching my head for a couple of weeks 0
  13. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Thanks for your reply . The main jets are 145 , i fitted 170 , but made no difference , the exhausts are 3 singles I dont know the make , the engine is fitted to a trike I have made ,it has only covered 30 miles sinse the build and the plugs look ok . Thanks again Steve
  14. tat42 replied to tat42's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Yes fitted K and N myself , put 155 main jets in . Thanks Tat
  15. tat42 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi I have xs 750 1979 , it is fitted with kand n style filters , bike runs like a pig when over 4000 rpm , bike had been stood for 15 years , I cleaned carbs out etc , have had ignition timing set but still a pig , any ideas ? Thanks Tat