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Mark K

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Everything posted by Mark K

  1. Mark K replied to 2stroke ray's post in a topic in The Bar
    maybe its because i'm drunk , hope you get the floppy gear lever issue sorted soon!
  2. Mark K replied to Crunch's post in a topic in Naked
    Yup, replace the headlight bulb, and be prepared for it to be a bit tempremental going into 1st 2nd and neutral until you're used to the gearbox, nothing wrong with your bike, just takes a bit of getting used to.
  3. Mark K posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    If a vehicle has two wheels its a motorcycle, correct? http://wimp.com/drivehalf/
  4. Mark K replied to Cynic's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Had an off on Friday and haven't worked out why as my memory blanked. Was out enjoying a lovely sunny day with no hurries to get anywhere when suddenly the car in front veered into the wrong lane, snatched it back, and did an emergency stop in front of me. I tried to stop, realised at last minute I wasn't going to stop in time, so went around him instead, no collisions, phew!. Driver had his head in his hands as I went around, was expecting me to hit him. Rather than stop and get into an argument, I decided it best to continue and let him have fun with his shocked girlfriend in the passenger seat. ... Just a few corners later I failed to take a corner and I had an off, no idea why yet, whether the bike failed mechanically or whether it was rider error, I was only doing 20-25mph. Lady watching could see I wasn't going to take the corner and saw me hit the central reservation, come off, and knocked myself out on landing. Result is a broken right wrist, bloody nose, and nicely swollen face with some temporary feeling loss was the result. Still waiting to see the condition of the bike as it's in a recovery garage 10 miles away.
  5. Mark K replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    They're all restricted to 15mph for legal reasons, so at 15mph the power cuts off even though there's plenty of power left. There's nothing stopping you from pedalling past 15mph though, I'd regularly get 25-30 out of it going down hill on the way to work. The battery was also removable in about 15 seconds so a second battery is an option, although it does add even more weight.
  6. The closing statement that they're "focusing on younger women" said it all, love it
  7. Mark K replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    That's one thing I will say about the leccy bike I had, it may only be designed for 15mph, but it used to get there damn quick. Expect about 15-20 miles range unless you're extremely gentle with it. 60 quid for a battery does sound reasonable though, and worth a shot if you're only doing short hops. It will be like pedalling a lead weight if the battery dies on you though as you have the weight of the bike plus the drag of the motor to pull along, it's happened to me on a number of occassions, good way to build up a sweat and not make any progress
  8. Mark K replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    I owned an electric assist mountain bike (Synergie Avanti) for a few years for getting to work and back. Downhill on the way to work was fine with a normal bike, but uphill all the way home and often in the wet made me buy it. It was great for all the no tax no insurance no mot reasons mentioned above, I could ride it through the park, and park it indoors, in the storeroom next to my office. However, the biggest problem I had with it, and reason I sold it and upgraded to a real bike... the Battery. Mine was a lithium-ion battery designed for a cycle doing 15mph over a distance of 25 miles, with pedal assist. (thats me pedalling!) When I first had it the range on the battery was a little under 20 miles with decent throttle usage, you'd only ever get the stated 25 miles if you never went up a hill and hardly touched the throttle. Within 18 months the range on the bike dropped substantially to just 5 miles making it almost unusable. Called up for a replacement, £200. So, if that moped is supposedly 70mph, and does 28 miles, how long will the battery last, and what will a new one cost? Also does the stated range assume a nice flat road at a constant speed of say 30mph? it probably does.
  9. Mark K replied to Vez's post in a topic in The Bar
    love it, made me laugh
  10. Mark K replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    His voice is a bit hoarse in places
  11. Mark K replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    Here's what ya wanted... Number 2 was by far the best, could almost touch it
  12. Mark K posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Hard to believe that you'd get 6 full grown adults on a bike so small.. hairpins must be a bit tricky though!
  13. Mark K replied to lloyd's post in a topic in Naked
    The 08 models are injection and don't have one, depends if yours is a late carb or an early injection model I guess.
  14. Mark K replied to 2 Wheels's post in a topic in The Bar
    I have the Spada jacket (same bright red glow in the dark colour) and it has never let me down, completely dry even in the wettest of weather, and totally windproof.
  15. For a 50cc that is a lovely looking bike, welcome to the forum
  16. Mark K replied to Mark K's post in a topic in The Bar
    I had family living in North Devon, and friends living in South Devon, so I didn't have to worry about the tent/sleeping bag bit. The bike has a large back box fitted, and pretty much everything was crammed into there, overflow items went in my bike jacket, and a very small rucksack was in the box in case I needed more space. Don't forget the neck warmer and a windproof jacket is essential if you go this time of year! Key things I had with me, RAC breakdown cover, bike disc lock, a 13/12mm spanner and philips screwdriver for chain adjustment, a 19mm spanner to loosen wheel nuts. Foldable Rucksack, Emergency blanket/crude first aid kit, UK Ordnance Survey map, wind up torch, phone charger, phone, then just the standard stuff in minimal form (clothes/bathroom gear). Only item I realised I forgot was a 17mm spanner for the opposite axle nut, fixed by adding an adjustable spanner to my box in South Devon. The best sight I saw along the entire journey had to be the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, not so much for the bridge itself, but for the way it crosses between cliff faces that the road passes between down below, it really is impressive to look at. The moment to remember on the trip has to be at Bristol Airport, where I went past the end of one of the runways and got a Top Gun moment, a large Easyjet jet came into land above me just as I passed by the beginning of the runway, you almost feel like you can reach out and touch it as it's so close. As for handling, I didn't have too much weight on the back so didn't notice an awful lot of difference other than a slight lift of the front wheel when I pulled away at one of the roundabouts a bit too quickly, and a little bit more effort needed when cornering at speed going downhill. Only photo I took was on the Severn Bridge I'm afraid, and didn't come out too amazingly.
  17. Mark K replied to Mark K's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yup, I occasionally get the gearshift problem. When it first starts, clunks when it goes into 1st the first time. From neutral to 1st, sometimes wont go in, just let clutch out and in once and it goes in no problem. From 2nd to 1st, again, sometimes wont go, same solution, let clutch out and in, quick fix. From 4th to 5th, very occasionally doesnt go into 5th first time, you declutch and come back in 4th again. These are all things you get used to, and easy to work around once you understand its little quirks. Most often they occur either whilst the bike is still cold, or (as today) you've been thrashing it along a dual carriageway at 70mph. As for the cycle path, Nutter!!!, its a 15mph limit (although i have to admit I was doing 25-30mph as nobody else was on it)
  18. Mark K posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I've noticed a lot of threads on whether a 125cc bike is capable of touring, so I thought I'd add my two penneth. Based on my last 7 days, yes they are. Over the last 7 days, I've covered 468 miles, none of it on motorways. I took a 4-stroke YBR-125 and I didn't have a single hiccup. Last Saturday, 210 miles in 6hrs 15. South Wales to North Devon. Problems: none except chain had to be tightened a bit the next day. Mostly A and B roads. Wednesday, 57 miles in 1hr 30, North Devon to South Devon. Problems: none. Mostly cross country A and B roads. No breaks. Friday, 198 miles in 5hrs 50, South Devon to South Wales. Problems: none. Half on normal A roads, half Dual Carriageway A roads, maintaining around 60mph on duals. Oil levels have hardly changed since leaving home. Haven't needed to top anything up. MPG, approx 100. Getting 200 miles to a tank at a little under a tenner a tank. The only real problem that occurs after about 80-100 miles... sore behind , had to make a lot of short breaks to relieve a few sore parts!! Also for those that have been wondering... yes it is possible to take a 125cc across the severn bridge on a L plate. There is a pedestrian/cycle path crossing the old Severn bridge next to the motorway (M48) which motorcycles up to 50cc (according to the sign) are allowed on. They let 125's across as well.
  19. Mark K replied to Jake_Teesside's post in a topic in Naked
    About the only way I know of to get 75mph out of a YBR would be to find a big hill with tailwind I typically get up to 55mph quite quickly but then top out between 60mph and 65mph on the flat depending on the wind. Only time I've ever gone past 70 was on a long downward hill. I don't think there's a lot we can do to them performance wise, other than possibly a front windshield, and maybe the rider go on a diet. One thing I have done that has improved the handling in the winter/wet weather is changed the tyres to michelin pilot sporty's.
  20. Mark K replied to root's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Mole grips as gear lever, done that too Also, accelerator cable on car snapped on the weekend after garages were closed. Popped to local Spar, bought some string, tied it to the throttle under the bonnet, and guided it into the passenger window, did the trick perfectly and lasted all weekend. Passenger accelerated, I steered. Embarrasing at traffic lights when the b** kept revving the engine at people, and when you're instructed to overtake... not a lot of choice in the matter!
  21. Mark K replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in General
    The biggest problem I had wasn't the snow or ice on the ground... it was the snow in the air and where it was landing! Visibility was reduced slightly
  22. Hiya, After a lot of forum trawling for the best tyres last year I replaced the standard tyres on my ybr with Michelin Pilot Sporty's, and it has made a huge difference in slippery conditions. It cost me just over 70 quid for a pair, balanced and fitted. I was riding right up until the first day it snowed in December without any problems. The first day it snowed the ybr was parked up and has remained so since. Even with better tyres there is no way i'm risking my neck with so much ice on the road. As soon as the ice clears I'll be back out on it daily but it's the car or walking to work until then.
  23. Mark K replied to minted's post in a topic in Video Section
    Excellent quality video, looks like a great place to ride
  24. Suggests to me that you need a new bulb. Mine is the 2008 YBR 125, it has 2 light positions, dipped and full beam, the blue light on your instrument panel comes when full beam is on. The light itself is on permanantly once the bike is running, in either dipped or full beam state. If (like mine did) the dipped light in the bulb fails, there will still be a dim secondary light illuminating the road which provides close to zero visibility on dark country roads. It suggests to me that your dipped light has indeed failed and you simply need a new bulb to resolve your problem, that or your headlight is seriously out of line and is pointing up at the sky!
  25. Mark K replied to waynemorris's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    $2.49 a Gallon... It's 106.9p/litre here, which works out at £4.86 a gallon, which is $8.11 when converted to dollars. Thats over 3x the US price. This is precisely why I use my 110mpg bike for most journeys now and have sold my 20mpg car.